External Email - Use Caution
Hi FreeSurfer experts,
I'm trying to run mkcontrast-sess using the newest development version of
freesufer from Nov 30th, 2018, and I am getting a matlab permission denied
error (see mkcontrast-sess_error text file).
It seems to be happening around line 150-160 of mkcontrast2. However, when
I copy the old mkcontrast-sess and mkcontrast2 scripts from freesurfer
6.0.0 (non-development version), it works fine in the development version.
The two versions in question are the stable release 6.0.0 and the
development release for centos7 Nov 30th, 2018.
Any insight into why I'm getting permission denied would be really helpful.
There don't seem to be any changes between the two scripts so I'm a little
Emily J. Levin
Lab Manager
Attention & Perception Neuroimaging Lab
Boston University
Lab: 617-358-1737
mkcontrast-sess -analysis gatOr.noDelay.orderCollapsed.sm3.self.rh -contrast
context-vs-baseline -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 -a 4
INFO: Found 16 Non-Null Conditions
INFO: Found 1 Delays
Condition Weights: .25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000
.25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mkcontrast2 -config
gatOr.noDelay.orderCollapsed.sm3.self.rh/context-vs-baseline.config -anadir
gatOr.noDelay.orderCollapsed.sm3.self.rh -wcond .25000000000000000000
.25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 -sumconds -o
gatOr.noDelay.orderCollapsed.sm3.self.rh/context-vs-baseline.mat -wdelay 1
$Id: mkcontrast2,v 1.3 2016/03/11 23:46:48 greve Exp $
cmtxfile gatOr.noDelay.orderCollapsed.sm3.self.rh/context-vs-baseline.mat
nconds 16, wcond .25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000
.25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ndelays 1, wdelay 1
ndelays 1, wpsa
sumconds 1
sumdelays 0
nircorr 0
TER 0.050000
cmtxfile gatOr.noDelay.orderCollapsed.sm3.self.rh/context-vs-baseline.mat
monly 0
NCond 16
WCond .25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000 .25000000000000000000
.25000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NDelay 1
WDelay 1
TER 0.050000
sumconds 1
sumdelays 0
nircorr 0
TPreStim 0
RmPreStim 0
rdelta 0 0
rtau 0 0
ndelays 1
CNorm 1
setwdelay 0
setwcond 0
Matlab file is /tmp/mkcontrast2.24690.m
------- matlab output --------------------
/gpfs/runtime/opt/matlab/R2016a: Permission denied.
Fri Nov 30 13:22:33 EST 2018
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