External Email - Use Caution Research Assistant Position
The Buckeye Brain Aging Lab (B-BAL) Department of Psychology Ohio State University Applications due by November 26, 2018 Applications are being sought for a full-time research assistant position, in the Buckeye Brain Aging Lab (B-BAL) directed by Dr. Scott Hayes. The B-BAL studies the relationship among aging, physical activity, cognition and the brain [using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) metrics]. We also examine neural correlates of memory in healthy and clinical populations. The Research Assistant 1 assists in the general coordination and conduct of research in the B-BAL, including administration of neuropsychological tests and/or questionnaires to young and older adults; recruits, screens, and schedules human subjects, including coordination of subject appointments (cognitive, MRI, and physical fitness assessments), subject payments, and submission of IRB amendments; assists with participant recruitment efforts between the laboratory and community partners; assists with research lab purchases and maintains lab supplies; assists with cognitive, MRI, and physical fitness data collection, including obtaining informed consent, cognitive testing (computer and paper and pencil based testing), MRI data acquisition, and record keeping; assists with cognitive and MRI data processing and analyses, supervises undergraduate research assistants. Desired qualifications include: Bachelor's degree in psychology, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, or physics; programming experience in either UNIX or MATLAB, as well as experience in neuroimaging data analyses; knowledge of software packages, such as FreeSurfer, FSL, AFNI, or SPM. The position is available for one year with the possibility of extension for additional years based on satisfactory performance and availability of funds. If you are interested in being considered for the position, please apply online at <https://www.jobsatosu.com> https://www.jobsatosu.com/postings/90992 and submit a cover letter, writing sample (research paper from course, poster presented at a conference), current CV and the names of three references. If you have questions about the position or the lab, please email b...@osu.edu<mailto:b...@osu.edu> . The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status. Best, Scott __________________ Scott M. Hayes, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Psychology Chronic Brain Injury, Discovery Themes The Ohio State University <http://u.osu.edu/>http://u.osu.edu/bbal/
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