External Email - Use Caution        

​Hello Christian,
To build Freesurfer e.g., on CentOS7, we use rev 4.8.5 of gcc, g++ and 
gfortran.  You can tell cmake what compilers to use on the command line 
with CC=<path>/gcc  CXX=<path>/g++  
FC=<path>/gfortran  If you need to specify the gfortran library to 
use, you can set it with -DGFORTRAN_LIBRARIES=<path to gfortran's 
On Ubuntu 16, the native /usr/bin/gcc is rev 5.4.0, so I installed the gcc 4.9 
compilers, and set the above to CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.9, CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.9, 
FC=/usr/bin/gfortran-4.9.  You could try doing the same on Ubuntu 18 as 
the native gcc may be rev 5.4 or newer, and I don't believe gcc rev 5 will work 
to build freesurfer.

On Oct 31, 2018, at 23:13, Christian Lee Mcdaniel <clm...@uga.edu> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hi there,Thank you for 
directing me to the CMake fswiki. I was able to install the third party 
packages and execute the command `cmake . 
-DFS_PACKAGES_DIR="path/to/pkgs"`. However, when I run `make 
-j4` (after adjusting a few bash files in various libraries to find 
(#include) other libraries) I am met with numerous 
similarly-worded link error lines under the step "Linking 
Fortran executable t4imgs_4dfp" with the general schema:/usr/bin/ld: 
path/to/fortran-related/filename: relocation R_X86_64_32 
against `some.variable.or.file.name` can not be used when making a 
PIE object; recompile with -fPICwhere path/to/fortran-related/filename is 
either CMakeFiles/t4imgs_4dfp.dir/some-file.c.o or 
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/libgfortran.a(some-function.o)I tried finding 
a solution online and found the suggestion to add a global -fPIC flag 
via export
-fPIC" (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13812185/how-to-recompile-with-fpic).
 I tried this by starting completely over with a new clone of the 
freesurfer repo and calling cmake . -DFS_PACKAGES_DIR="path/to/pkgs" and 
the make still failed at the same point. Other suggestions 
(e.g., to add --enable-shared at ./configure(in that 
same thread linked above)) suggest adding arguments when configuring, but since 
this is all part of the make process I'm not sure whether that's 
possible. Any advice? I did not find any similar issues in the 
archive. Thank you very much,Christian McDaniel

On Oct 31, 2018, at 23:13, Christian Lee Mcdaniel <clm...@uga.edu> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hi there,Thank you for 
directing me to the CMake fswiki. I was able to install the third party 
packages and execute the command `cmake . 
-DFS_PACKAGES_DIR="path/to/pkgs"`. However, when I run `make 
-j4` (after adjusting a few bash files in various libraries to find 
(#include) other libraries) I am met with numerous 
similarly-worded link error lines under the step "Linking 
Fortran executable t4imgs_4dfp" with the general schema:/usr/bin/ld: 
path/to/fortran-related/filename: relocation R_X86_64_32 
against `some..variable.or.file.name` can not be used when making a 
PIE object; recompile with -fPICwhere path/to/fortran-related/filename is 
either CMakeFiles/t4imgs_4dfp.dir/some-file.c.o or 
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/libgfortran.a(some-function.o)I tried finding 
a solution online and found the suggestion to add a global -fPIC flag 
via export
-fPIC" (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13812185/how-to-recompile-with-fpic).
 I tried this by starting completely over with a new clone of the 
freesurfer repo and calling cmake . -DFS_PACKAGES_DIR="path/to/pkgs" and 
the make still failed at the same point. Other suggestions 
(e.g., to add --enable-shared at ./configure(in that 
same thread linked above)) suggest adding arguments when configuring, but since 
this is all part of the make process I'm not sure whether that's 
possible. Any advice? I did not find any similar issues in the 
archive. Thank you very much,Christian McDaniel
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