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I am referring to a paper of Vuoksimaa et al. 2016. The authors used relative 
instead of absolute cortical measures (cortical thickness and surface area) to 
compute individual vertex-cognitive ability correlations throughout the cortex.

To compute individual relative cortical thickness and surface area maps of each 
individual subjects, the authors divided the surface area value at each vertex 
by the total surface area (sum across all vertices for each subject) and 
subtracted the mean cortical thickness value (for each subject) from the 
thickness at each vertex.

I would like to use the same approach (relative CT and SA maps instead of 
absolute maps) for one of the projects of our lab. In the Freesurfer mailing 
list, I found that the command "fscalc" can be used for simple mathematical 
transformations of mgh files.

Therefore my question: Would it be correct to use “fscalc” with the option 
“sub” resp “div” to compute these relative cortical measures maps for each of 
my subjects?

Thank you for helping me with this question


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