Is this for an ROI-based study or a map-based study? For ROI, we use the 
GTM, and it PV corrects for all structures (including WM and CSF). For 
map-based, we use MG. MG removes WM (and CSF) entirely. In theory, it 
can be run in a way to keep WM and throw GM and CSF away, but that is 
not implemented. Does this answer your questions?

On 10/10/2018 07:31 AM, David.Mackarthy wrote:
> Dear Dr Greeve,
> I am following petsurfer pipeline to do surface based analysis of 
> PET-FDG data and I have interest in doing partial volume correction. I 
> would like to inquire about:
> 1) Can partial volume correction be applied on white mater, or just on 
> gray matter?
> 2) Can partial volume correction be applied between gray matter and CSF?
> According to Muller-Gartner (MG) Method we segment the brain to 
> gray/white and csf, then we apply partial volume correction only on 
> gray matter. why not on the other parts.
> I apologies if my question is basics and I appreciate your input.
> Thanks for publishing this valuable manuscript
> With all respect!
> Dev
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