External Email - Use Caution        

Hi everyone,

Here a question and an answer of FreeSurfer experts that would be for

- Could there be any difference in accuracy when the recon-all is executed
on two Mac computers that have a different processor? that is,  it is
preferable to execute the recon-all of all the subjects in the same
computer?. Sorry for this absurd question but I would be sure about this.

- *Regarding the second question: it is a really good one. Would you mind
posting it on the FreeSurfer list? Short answer is: same machine. *


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio <e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>
Date: mié., 10 oct. 2018 a las 11:53
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error
To: Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
Cc: Hoopes, Andrew <ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu>

Hi again, MA.

I totally forgot to attach the binary.

The thing is that I don’t have it on my hard drive, so I need to recompile
it, but our MAC server seems to be down   ggggrrr

Andrew: any ideas why breck is not responding?

MA: sorry for the delay; we’ll definitely get to the bottom of this.

Regarding the second question: it is a really good one. Would you mind
posting it on the FreeSurfer list? Short answer is: same machine.




Juan Eugenio Iglesias

ERC Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

University College London



*From: *Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Date: *Wednesday, 10 October 2018 at 09:39
*To: *"Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio" <e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>
*Subject: *Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

Hi Eugenio,

It´s possible that you have forgotten to attach the file in this email?
because I don´t find anywhere.

Another question, could there be any difference in accuracy when the
recon-all is executed on two Mac computers that have a different processor?
that is,  it is preferable to execute the recon-all of all the subjects in
the same computer?. Sorry for this absurd question but I would be sure
about this.


El mié., 3 oct. 2018 a las 19:52, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio (<
e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>) escribió:

Allrighty, here are the instructions

(depending on the location of FREESURFER_HOME, the following commands might
need to be preceded by “sudo”)

1. Save the attached file to a directory of your choice. From the terminal,
cd into that directory.

2. Decompress with:       tar xvf

3. Move existing version of the code:    mv

4. Replace with new version:   mv
./segmentSubjectT2_autoEstimateAlveusML.app   $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/

5. Rerun the code

If this doesn’t work, you can revert the changes with:

   1. Delete new version with:    rm –rf
   2. Restore previous version:   mv

If it works:  there’s no need to rerun the subjects that didn’t crash.

Please let us know what happens!




Juan Eugenio Iglesias

ERC Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

University College London



*From: *Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Date: *Wednesday, 3 October 2018 at 18:32
*To: *"Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio" <e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>
*Subject: *Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

Hi Eugenio,

I ran the command with the version  *freesurfer-darwin-OSX-ElCapitan*
(downloaded from here
ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/dev) but anyway I can
try with the updated executable.

If the problem solved, it is necessary to run the command with this updated
executable in the subjects in which before I had no problem? I guess it
would not be necessary but I would like to be sure about this.



El mié., 3 oct. 2018 a las 19:17, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio (<
e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>) escribió:

Hi MA,

I believe the FreeSurfer course is ongoing this week, which would be taking
most of Andrew’s time.

Our main hypothesis is that the binary with the bug fixed did not make it
to the public distribution for some reason.

If you want: I can send you the updated executable; you can then give it a
shot, and if it solves the problem, we’ll know what the problem was.

Let me know if you want to do this. Otherwise we can wait for Andrew to
find time to take a look.




Juan Eugenio Iglesias

ERC Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

University College London



*From: *Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Date: *Wednesday, 3 October 2018 at 18:07
*To: *"Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio" <e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>
*Cc: *"ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu" <ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu>
*Subject: *Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

Hi Andrew,

Did you have chance to review the error that I reported some days ago?

Thanks for your help!


El lun., 1 oct. 2018 a las 9:44, Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández (<
miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>) escribió:

Thanks a lot!


El lun., 1 oct. 2018 a las 8:39, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio (<
e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>) escribió:

Thanks a lot!

Sent from my phone, please excuse brevity and typos


*From:* Hoopes, Andrew <ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu>
*Sent:* Monday, October 1, 2018 4:15:12 AM
*To:* Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio; Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández
*Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

Sure thing, I can look into it tomorrow afternoon.


*From: *"Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio" <e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>
*Date: *Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 10:47 AM
*To: *"Hoopes, Andrew" <ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu>, Miguel Ángel Rivas
Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Subject: *FW: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

*        External Email - Use Caution        *

Hi, Andrew and MA.

MA: sorry for the slow response. I’ve been on vacation  (today’s my last

Andrew: Can you please verify that the version for MAC with this bug fixed
made it to the server? It’s the only explanation I can find to MA’s




Juan Eugenio Iglesias

ERC Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

University College London



*From: *<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> on behalf of Miguel Ángel
Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Reply-To: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Date: *Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 00:09
*To: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Subject: *Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

*        External Email - Use Caution        *

Hi Eugenio,

Did you have chance to review the error that I have reported some days ago
when I ran the hippocampal and amygdala command? It was happened only in 17
subjects (sample size 295). I rerun the
HippocampalSubfieldsandAmygdalaNuclei command and I got the same error:

*Fitting mesh to image data mask took 683.6633 seconds Transforming points
Transforming points Wrote image to file image.mgz INFO: dst volume info
differs from the one stored in lta.  gets modified now. volume geometry:
extent  : (691, 691, 473) voxel   : ( 0.3333,  0.3333,  0.3333) x_(ras) : (
0.0000, -1.0000,  0.0000) y_(ras) : (-0.0047,  0.0000,  1.0000) z_(ras) : (
1.0000,  0.0000,  0.0047) c_(ras) : ( 4.2397, 13.6233, 12.2196) file    :
T2isotropic.mgz volume geometry: extent  : (640, 640, 225) voxel   : (
0.3594,  0.3594,  0.7000) x_(ras) : ( 0.0000, -1.0000,  0.0000) y_(ras) :
(-0.0047,  0.0000,  1.0000) z_(ras) : ( 1.0000,  0.0000,  0.0047) c_(ras) :
( 4.2397, 13.6234, 12.2196) file    :
/Applications/freesurfer/subjects/5095/mri/orig/T2.nii Constructing
image-to-world transform from header information (asmr1.mgz) Constructing
image-to-world transform from header information
Wrote image to file asmr2.mgz This file does not contain MRI parameters
This file does not contain MRI parameters In an assignment  A(:) = B, the
number of elements in A and B must be the same. Error in
segmentSubjectT2_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 2147)
MATLAB:subsassignnumelmismatch Darwin rmnlab1.inv.usc.es
<http://rmnlab1.inv.usc.es> 17.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0: Sun Dec 17
09:19:54 PST 2017; root:xnu-4570.41.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 T2
hippocampal subfields exited with ERRORS at domingo, 16 de septiembre de
2018, 15:35:35 CEST For more details, see the log file

What could be the problem? Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

El dom., 16 sept. 2018 a las 19:20, Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández (<
miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>) escribió:

Hi Eugenio,

It was happened in only in 17 subjects (sample size is 295). I repeated the
process several times and I got always the same error.

Thank you very much for your help!.


El dom., 16 sept. 2018 a las 19:14, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio (<
e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>) escribió:

*        External Email - Use Caution        *

Wow sorry about this. I have to carefully check whether it’s a different /
related bug, or if the fix only made it to the Linux version. Is it
happening for all subjects, or only some?

I’m traveling / on vacation these days but will take a look as soon as I




Juan Eugenio Iglesias

ERC Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

University College London



*From: *<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> on behalf of Miguel Ángel
Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Reply-To: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Date: *Sunday, 16 September 2018 at 15:52
*To: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Subject: *Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

*        External Email - Use Caution        *

Hi Eugenio,

I have downloaded the most recent dev version (
) from here  ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/dev and I
get the same error.

My version of Mac is Mac OS High Sierra Version 10.13.3

*Fitting mesh to image data mask took 683.6633 seconds Transforming points
Transforming points Wrote image to file image.mgz INFO: dst volume info
differs from the one stored in lta.  gets modified now. volume geometry:
extent  : (691, 691, 473) voxel   : ( 0.3333,  0.3333,  0.3333) x_(ras) : (
0.0000, -1.0000,  0.0000) y_(ras) : (-0.0047,  0.0000,  1.0000) z_(ras) : (
1.0000,  0.0000,  0.0047) c_(ras) : ( 4.2397, 13.6233, 12.2196) file    :
T2isotropic.mgz volume geometry: extent  : (640, 640, 225) voxel   : (
0.3594,  0.3594,  0.7000) x_(ras) : ( 0.0000, -1.0000,  0.0000) y_(ras) :
(-0.0047,  0.0000,  1.0000) z_(ras) : ( 1.0000,  0.0000,  0.0047) c_(ras) :
( 4.2397, 13.6234, 12.2196) file    :
/Applications/freesurfer/subjects/5095/mri/orig/T2.nii Constructing
image-to-world transform from header information (asmr1.mgz) Constructing
image-to-world transform from header information
Wrote image to file asmr2.mgz This file does not contain MRI parameters
This file does not contain MRI parameters In an assignment  A(:) = B, the
number of elements in A and B must be the same. Error in
segmentSubjectT2_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 2147)
MATLAB:subsassignnumelmismatch Darwin rmnlab1.inv.usc.es
<http://rmnlab1.inv.usc.es> 17.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0: Sun Dec 17
09:19:54 PST 2017; root:xnu-4570.41.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 T2
hippocampal subfields exited with ERRORS at domingo, 16 de septiembre de
2018, 15:35:35 CEST For more details, see the log file

*What could be the problem?*

*Thanks in advance, *

*Best wishes, *

El vie., 14 sept. 2018 a las 0:40, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio (<
e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk>) escribió:

*        External Email - Use Caution        *

Hi Miguel Angel,

This bug was recently fixed in the dev version. If you download the most
recent one, you won’t have this problem.




Juan Eugenio Iglesias

ERC Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

University College London



*From: *<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> on behalf of Miguel Ángel
Rivas Fernández <miguelrivasf...@gmail.com>
*Reply-To: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Date: *Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 21:12
*To: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Subject: *[Freesurfer] Hippocampal-Amygdala subfields error

*        External Email - Use Caution        *

Hello Freesurfer devs,

I ran the hippocampal and amygdala subfields command in my sample and I get
the following error in several subjects:

*Constructing image-to-world transform from header information (asmr1.mgz)
Constructing image-to-world transform from header information
Wrote image to file asmr2.mgz This file does not contain MRI parameters
This file does not contain MRI parameters In an assignment  A(:) = B, the
number of elements in A and B must be the same. Error in
segmentSubjectT2_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 2147)Constructing
image-to-world transform from header information (asmr1.mgz) Constructing
image-to-world transform from header information
Wrote image to file asmr2.mgz This file does not contain MRI parameters
This file does not contain MRI parameters In an assignment  A(:) = B, the
number of elements in A and B must be the same. Error in
segmentSubjectT2_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 2147)*

*MATLAB:subsassignnumelmismatch Darwin rmnlab1.inv.usc.es
<http://rmnlab1.inv.usc.es> 17.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0: Sun Dec 17
09:19:54 PST 2017; root:xnu-4570.41.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 T2
hippocampal subfields exited with ERRORS at jueves, 13 de septiembre de
2018, 21:37:33 CEST*

What would be the reason?

Thanks in advance,

Best wishes,


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*

Freesurfer mailing list

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addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
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HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
dispose of the e-mail.


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*

Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
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http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
dispose of the e-mail.


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*

*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*
Freesurfer mailing list

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