External Email - Use Caution        

Hi FS team,
I am used to run Freesurfer v6.0 on a Ubuntu 18.04 workstation and everything 
runs well for most of the subjects that I process so first thanks for this 
great tool.
I am facing an issue with a JPEG compressed DICOM series that I am not able to 
precess, I always get the following error during "mri_convert" procedure 
(before calling recon-all), I also wrote the last command that produces this 

fsdcmdecompress --i freesurfer_18/6858304 --o 
/tmp/root.tmp.decompressed.dcm.v1uqEv --jpeg >& 
sh: 1: Syntax error: Bad fd number

After some investigations, it looks it is related to the way standard outputs 
are redirected to "/tmp/root.tmp.decompressed.dcm.v1uqEv.dcmdjpeg.out" file 
(which is missing by the way).
It looks like ">&" redirection is not a correct syntax in bash (the shell I am 
using), so I tried with others but unfortunately none of them worked so far 
(zsh, tcsh, csh, sh).

Do you have any recommendation for the way to use "mri_convert" tool? or any 
other tool that could convert DICOM to nifty efficiently?

Thanks for your feedbacks.


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