External Email - Use Caution        

From: Ali,Mohamed Tarek Mohamed
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 10:59 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Parcellation label error

Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

While I am using [vec,labels,cnames] = read_annotation('lh.aparc.annot'), I am 
getting values in labels which are not found in cnames.table(:,5). These values 
are 0. I assigned the values to the unknown area. However, when I looked at the 
number of vertices per brain regions I found that corpuscallosum has no 
vertices in the DK atlas.

This is my first week using a neuroimaging software and Freesurfer is my first 
software to work on, so I just don't know if that's ok or if there is something 

I am attaching the output of a python code I wrote to count the number of 
vertices per brain region in the left hemisphere of a structural MRI image from 
our dataset.

Thanks in advance,

Mohamed T. Ali

Ph.D. student,

University of Louisville.
b'unknown' contains: 6695
b'insula' contains: 3551
b'temporalpole' contains: 552
b'precuneus' contains: 5189
b'frontalpole' contains: 351
b'transversetemporal' contains: 695
b'supramarginal' contains: 5915
b'superiorfrontal' contains: 9823
b'superiortemporal' contains: 5738
b'parstriangularis' contains: 2286
b'rostralmiddlefrontal' contains: 7656
b'medialorbitofrontal' contains: 2167
b'isthmuscingulate' contains: 1359
b'superiorparietal' contains: 7060
b'lateraloccipital' contains: 7440
b'lateralorbitofrontal' contains: 3510
b'fusiform' contains: 4661
b'posteriorcingulate' contains: 1783
b'inferiorparietal' contains: 6607
b'parahippocampal' contains: 965
b'caudalanteriorcingulate' contains: 779
b'parsopercularis' contains: 2422
b'rostralanteriorcingulate' contains: 853
b'precentral' contains: 6554
b'lingual' contains: 3628
b'postcentral' contains: 6424
b'bankssts' contains: 1613
b'corpuscallosum' contains: 0
b'paracentral' contains: 2045
b'parsorbitalis' contains: 936
b'entorhinal' contains: 458
b'caudalmiddlefrontal' contains: 2994
b'pericalcarine' contains: 1564
b'inferiortemporal' contains: 5501
b'middletemporal' contains: 5220
b'cuneus' contains: 2000
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