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I am trying to put a mask that I made on the MNI brain (that had been run 
through recon) into individual subject space. I have already created a 
registration matrix using the following command:
mni152reg --s $patient --o $registration/$patient/registermni_$patient.dat --1 

Now I want to apply this matrix but from MNI -> subject. So I tried doing this:
mri_vol2vol --targ $patient/mri/orig.nii --mov $mnimask/net4splitmask_bin.nii 
--reg $registration/$patient/registermni_$patient.dat --o 
$outp/$patient/net4splitmask_bin.nii --nearest --rot 180 0 0

But it just spits back out the MNI mask ($mnimask/net4splitmask_bin.nii) in MNI 
space. I tried using -inv but realized that was wrong because then it just gave 
me the subject’s orig. How can I get it to actually put the MNI-space mask onto 
the subject’s brain?

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