The parcellation starts off in fsaverage space. It is mapped through the surface-based registration into the native subjects surface space. There, the boundaries are refined to better fit the individual. The transformation is based on folding patterns which are pretty consistent across the age span.

On 7/24/18 6:50 AM, Martin Steppan wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Freesurfer/s,
Sorry, it might be a stupid question, since I am a newbie in this field.
Is the ?.aparc.stats file somehow based on transformation to fsaverage space? I am aware that this is the case for -qcache, but is this also true for the predefined ROI results? I am asking, because we also have juvenile brains, and transformation to the average adult brain could be a problem.
Does anyone have useful information for me?

Best wishes,

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