External Email - Use Caution *Doctoral Position in the Neuroimaging Research Group in the Barcelonaβ**eta Brain Research Centre – Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Barcelona, Spain*
Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) invites applications for a full-time graduate student position within the context of the AMYPAD project, as part of the Neuroimaging Research Group from the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. *Principal Responsibilities:* In collaboration with other AMYPAD partners, the responsibilities for this position includes: · Develop technical procedures to enhance amyloid PET quantification; · Modelling of amyloid PET data in disease progression models; · Participate in analysis and publication of results; · Participate in regular meetings with our partners throughout Europe; · Engage in the management of the project; *Required Qualifications:* · MSc in Engineering, Physics, Neuroscience or any other related field · Experience in analysis of medical brain images · Excellent communication and writing skills in English; · Ability to think independently and work collaboratively. *Benefits:* · Starting date: Sept 2018. · Possibility of undergo a PhD programme · The position is scheduled initially for three years (open to renewal). · Salary will depend on experience. *Additional Information:* To apply, please submit a single PDF file containing the following: 1) Cover letter describing research interests and relevant background; 2) CV; 3) The names of up to three individuals who could provide reference letters. All files or inquiries should be submitted electronically to: r...@barcelonabeta.org. For more information: https://fpmaragall.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Job- advert-Doctoral-Position-in-Neuroimaging.pdf -- *Juan Domingo Gispert*Group Leader - Neuroimaging *BarcelonaBeta* * Brain Research Center (BBRC) *jdgisp...@barcelonabeta.org T. (+34) 93 326 31 67 C/ Wellington, 30 <https://maps.google.com/?q=C/+Wellington,+30+08005+Barcelona&entry=gmail&source=g> 08005 Barcelona <https://maps.google.com/?q=C/+Wellington,+30+08005+Barcelona&entry=gmail&source=g> www.barcelonabeta.org www.fpmaragall.org ------------------------------ Aquest missatge i els seus annexos poden contenir informació confidencial i exclusiva per al destinatari. El seu contingut no constitueix un compromís per part de l'emissor. Si rep aquest missatge per error, si us plau elimini’l sense revisar-lo ni reenviar-lo i notifiqui-ho al remitent. Gràcies per la seva col·laboració. *Este mensaje y sus anexos pueden contener información confidencial y exclusiva para el destinatario. Su contenido no constituye un compromiso por parte del emisor. Si recibe este mensaje por error, por favor elimínelo sin revisarlo ni reenviarlo y notifíquelo al remitente. **Gracias por su colaboración. *This message and attachments may contain confidential and exclusive information intended only for the individual named. The content of this message does not imply any commitment by the sender. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it before reading or distributing and notify the sender. Thank you for your cooperation. Gràcies per estalviar paper. *Gracias por ahorrar papel. *Thanks for saving paper.
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