External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Donatas,

please find my thoughts in-line.

Best regards,


On So, 2018-05-27 at 11:59 +0200, Donatas Sederevicius wrote:

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I have some doubts while running LME analysis on longitudinal data.
> The main goal is to check whether longitudinal BMI scores have any
> impact on the longitudinal cortical thickness changes. The model I’m
> thinking of is as follows:
> Y_ij = b0 + b1*time_ij + b2*BMI_ij + b3*Skyra_ij + b4*Prisma_ij +
> b5*gender_i + b6*bslAge_i.
> And here is an example design matrix X for the model above:
> ------------------------------------------
> ones|time|BMI |Skyra|Prisma|gender|bslAge|
> ------------------------------------------
> 1   |0   |0.62|0    |0     |0     |1.89  |
> 1   |3.2 |1.56|0    |0     |0     |1.89  |
> 1   |7.2 |2.04|1    |0     |0     |1.89  |
> ------------------------------------------
> 1 |0 |1.1 |0 |0 |1 |1.67 |
> 1 |1.5 |0.9 |0 |0 |1 |1.67 |
> 1 |4 |0.9 |1 |0 |1 |1.67 |
> 1 |5.3 |1.3 |0 |1 |1 |1.67 |
> ------------------------------------------
> 1 |0 |0.7 |0 |0 |0 |0.89 |
> 1 |1.2 |0.5 |0 |0 |0 |0.89 |
> ------------------------------------------
> Note that BMI and bslAge are z-scored, and there are 3 different
> scanners: Avanto (base), Skyra and Prisma. I’m trying to account for
> differences between scanners as well. For some participants, the
> first two timepoints were scanned with one scanner and the last time
> point with a different one, so it varies within the subject. Do I
> account for the scanner differences in a correct way? Should I add
> interactions with the time variable, as time*Skyra?

Including scanners as you currently do is fine in my eyes.

I would probably also check whether or not results remain stable when
observations after a within-participant scanner change are excluded
from analysis (in order to have the same scanner for the same
participant at all included timepoints).

> Another question. Since BMI is longitudinal, time-variant, should I
> add an interaction with time as well?

In my eyes, if you want to answer the question whether or not the
effect of BMI scores on thickness depends on time, or (vice versa)
whether or not temporal changes in cortical thickness depend on BMI:
then yes, you should add an interaction term of BMI and time - and also
construct and test a corresponding contrast.

> Assuming that the above design matrix is “correct”, I would use the
> following contrast [0 0 1 0 0 0 0] to answer my question whether
> longitudinal BMI scores have any impact on longitudinal cortical
> thickness changes, right?

This contrast will, for your proposed design matrix, test for a
positive relation of BMI and cortical thickness, irrespective of time. 

So this is, if I understood correctly, probably not what you want.
Rather test an interaction term, see above.

> P.S. I’m running spatiotemporal models with one random effect -
> intercept.
> Thank you for the answer!
> Best,
> Donatas

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