The fsfast commands require matlab or octave. I'm not sure how that will 
work in the linux shell in windows

On 04/11/2018 03:50 PM, Savio Wong wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have installed freesurfer on windows 10 linux shell following this link:
> Recon-all and freeview run perfectly on the system. However, when I 
> tried to run mkcontrast, I encountered the following error:
> An Error has occurred while trying to initialize the MCR.
> The error is: Fatal error loading library 
> /usr/local/freesurfer/MCRv83/bin/glnxa64/ Error: 
> cannot enable executable stack as shared object 
> requires: Invalid argument
> Error:mclmcr initialization failed
> ERROR running mkcontrast
> It seems that the windows 10 linux shell lacks some libraries to run 
> the matlab:
> <>
> Does anyone have any experience in this error? is there any solution 
> for that?
> Any advice is much appreciated.
> best..................savio
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