Hi Doug

check out mri_cc and the help from it. I think you want -t and -d. 
Probably easiest to run it after recon-all.

On Tue, 20 Feb 2018, Douglas 
Merkitch wrote:

> Hey Bruce,
> Could you elaborate on what steps you would need to change the number of 
> corpus callosum segments
> (and grow them laterally), and how to specify the outputs 
> name/format/location?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> Douglas Merkitch
> Neurological Sciences
> Rush University Medical Center
> On Feb 19, 2018, at 11:11 AM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>       Rush Email Security
>       **WARNING** This email originated from outside of Rush University 
> Medical Center. **DO
>       NOT CLICK* links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and 
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> email communication.
>       Hi Ben
>       we find the CC as the region where there is the largest left/right WM
>       connection. We then orient it to be vertical and find principle 
> directions,
>       and divvy it up into however many segments you want (I think the 
> default is
>       5 but this can be changed). We then grow it out laterally as far as your
>       specify
>       cheers
>       Bruce
>       On Mon, 19 Feb
>       2018, Benjamin Yeske wrote:
>             Hello Freesurfer Experts,
>             I was looking through your website to see if I could find any 
> info/papers
>             that explained what
>             landmarks you use for segmenting the corpus callosum, but I 
> couldn't find
>             anything on the topic.
>             Could you please point me to a paper or resource that explains how
>             freesurfer captures the corpus
>             callosum and what landmarks it use to segment it out? We'd like 
> to be able
>             to hand check this region
>             for accuracy in our TBI patients brain scans.
>             Thank you,
>             Ben
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