Dear Freesurfer users, I am pleased to announce the 2nd major release of my R package for graph theory analysis of brain MRI data, "brainGraph". The main page on CRAN is at: web/packages/brainGraph/index.html The GitHub repository is at:
*Installation* The latest version is already on CRAN for Linux distributions, and should be for Windows and Mac OS X soon (but there may be issues on non-Linux systems; see Chapter 1 of the User Guide). To install directly from CRAN: > install.packages('brainGraph') In the meantime (and for development versions), you may install from GitHub using the R package "devtools": > devtools::install_github('cwatson/brainGraph') *Getting help* The new User Guide has been completely overhauled, and now has a permanent link at: my GitHub Pages site (PDF warning) <>. Please start at the "Preface". You may also get help by opening an Issue <> on the GitHub repository, or join the Google Group <>. *New features* You can find the release notes/changelog in, at: Major additions (since v1.0.0) that should be of interest include: - Vertex- and graph-level *mediation analysis* (chapter 11 of the Guide) - Multi-threshold permutation correction (MTPC) for GLM analyses (chapter 9) - Extension of GLM-based functions (including the *network-based statistic [NBS]* and MTPC) to allow for multiple contrasts in a single function call, and to allow for both T- and F-contrasts - Permutation/randomization is now done using the *Freedman-Lane algorithm* (as in *randomise* and *PALM*), although models are limited to simple GLM's - Introduction of R's *S3 classes* to simplify plotting and summarizing results - Calculation of a network's *s-core* membership - Calculation of network *communicability* and vertex *communicability betweenness centrality* Please let me know if you have any issues, bug reports, feature requests, etc. Chris Watson
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