It is volume-based for subcortical
On 1/12/18 8:17 AM, John Anderson wrote:
Dear Dr Greeve,
I interestingly read the manuscript "Different partial volume
correction methods lead to different conclusions: An (18)F-FDG-PET
study of aging" Thank you for publishing this data.
I understood from this paper that he recommended stream for PVC is to
correct the PET images using Muller-Gartner method then feed the
corrected maps into three group level analyses: surface based for left
and right hemispheres then for subcortical regions..
My question is about the subcortical analysis: To describe this
analysis, is it a volumetric analysis for subcortical gray matter, or
surface based?
I am sorry if my questions is basics, I don't have good experience in
freesurfer so I want to be sure that I am using the correct terms.
Thanks you for any advice!
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