Hi Matt
can you run mris_euler_number on that subject's lh.sphere.reg and see if it
has the same number of vertices as the lh.pial for example? Or check
timestamps. If it was not recreated after your editing you will need to
rerun part of recon-all
Wed, 13 Dec 2017, Defenderfer, Matthew K wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to transfer a surface file from fsaverage_sym space to a recently
edited individual
subject's hemisphere. I previously ran recon-all on the subject and then edited
the wm, brainmask, etc.
to fix some defects I had found. Before the edits, I could transfer the surface
and load it on the
subject's hemisphere as an overlay perfectly fine. After editing and rerunning
the subject through
recon-all and the xhemi pipeline, I tried to transfer and load the overlay
again using the following
command, same as originally:
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage_sym --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject
subj001 --trgsurfreg
fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg --hemi lh --sval template.sym.mgh --tval
The command completes, but the resulting overlay does not have the same number
of vertices as the
surface. It does however, have the same number of vertices as the original
surface from before
rerunning the recon-all command. So it seems like it's still transferring the
overlay to original
surface. My SUBJECTS_DIR does not have the subjects' original recon-all data in
it either, just the
data from the edited recon-all. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thank
-Matt Defenderfer
Matthew K. Defenderfer B.S. | Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate Biomedical Sciences | Neuroscience
UAB | The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Laboratory of Kristina Visscher, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
CIRC 111 | C: (865) 805-6389
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