Dear Freesurfer community,

I would like to be able to use any preexisting Nifti atlas with Freesurfer’s 
parcellation methods. As a proof-of-concept, I am attempting to use the 
parcellation scheme produced by Finn and colleagues (2015) with mris_ca_train 
and mris_ca_label. I have some questions about this.

I wonder whether what I am trying to do makes sense. To train mris_ca_train, I 
would feed it the Collin MNI template space and Finn’s parcellation scheme 
(which is registered to Collin MNI as far as I can tell). This is not ideal for 
two reasons. First, it would be better to train mris_ca_train on a group of 
subjects. Second, the anatomical data and parcellation data come from two 
separate data sets. Is my understanding correct so far? On the other hand, the 
other way I can think of to parcellate an individual’s data based on an atlas 
is to register the data and the atlas and assign labels from the atlas to the 
individual where they overlap. This doesn’t seem any better to me. Are there 
other ways of using atlases to parcellate individual data that I am not aware 

Right now, I am stuck trying to produce an annot file to give to mris_ca_train. 
I ran
mri_vol2surf --src shen_1mm_268_parc.mgz --hemi lh --mni152reg --out_type paint 
--o ./lh-surf-parc.mgz
where shen_1mm_268_parc.mgz is the result of converting the parcellation scheme 
from nifti to mgz with mri_convert. The resulting mgz file seems reasonable. 
However, I don’t know how to make an annot file from it. Is there a way to do 

I also attempted the following:
mris_sample_parc -ct ./ctab.txt -sdir .. -file ./ctab.txt FS lh 
shen_1mm_268_parc.mgz lh-parc.annot
The results don’t make sense to me and I don’t understand how mris_sample_parc 
works. What is the purpose of the translation file (-file option)? From what 
I’ve read on the wiki, mris_sample_parc is used to sample a manual parcellation 
done on an individual subject’s volume to that subject’s surface. In my case, 
the “subject” (Collin MNI brain) happens to be aligned with the parcellation. 
Does it make sense to run mris_sample_parc?

Thank you. Best regards,
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