Dear FreeSurfer experts,

We want to implement a deface method to ensure anonymity of participants before 
making the data available to researchers. Because the raw data is stored on the 
imaging platform XNAT, we preferred the mask_face method implemented on the 
XNAT server rather than FreeSurfer’s defacing. However, we will be using 
FreeSurfer for processing and segmentations afterwards. I am currently 
investigating the effect of face and earmasks on brain measures. I used 
FreeSurfer v5.3 (freesurfer-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-stable5-20130513) and the 
mask_face function developed for XNAT (Milchienko & Marcus, 2013) with the 
default normalized filter. The masks were not invasive and did not overlap with 
brain tissue.

I compared output of the recon-all between T1 scans with and without masked 
face for a small sample. I found high correlations between the output of the 
two scans (extracted values: cortical thickness, surface area, (sub)cortical 
volume, global values). Slight differences seem to occur from the start of the 
recon-all (talairach transform). Adding ear masks to the face-masked scans, 
made the differences smaller (i.e. higher correlations with raw scans). Also, 
the recon-all run time appears to be reduced.

Could you explain how face and ear information is used in the recon-all and why 
adding ear masks to masked-face scans might reduce run-time and improve 
reliability? Could it be the case that skull stripping is easier without ears 
for example?
Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Elizabeth Buimer, Research Assistant
Department of Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht
Room: A.01.161


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