Intensity Mean will be the mean value of the input (lGI) averaged over 
the ROI.

STD, Max, Min, and Range are the intensity stddev maximimum mininum 
andrange=max-min over the ROI

On 11/07/2017 12:57 PM, Buse Merve Ürgen wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I have two questions:
> 1) In the last stage of the recon-all -s <subj> -localGI analysis, 
> local gyrification index values are calculated at each pial vertices. 
> Is there any way (command?) to extract /vertex-wise local gyrification 
> index values/ (of individual subjects) /before running GLM analysis in 
> Qdec/? GLM analysis is not suitable for my study (single-case), so I 
> need to extract values for each subject and use them for my own 
> statistical analysis.
> 2) As far as I know we can extract /parcel-wise lGI/ values using the 
> following command:
> mri_segstats --annot /subjID/ lh aparc \
>   --i $SUBJECTS_DIR//subjID//surf/lh.pial_lgi \
>   --sum lh.aparc.pial_lgi.stats
> Running this command provides "Intensity Mean, Intensity STD, 
> Intensity Max, Intensity Min, Intensity Range" values for each 
> parcellated area. Can you explain these values and what they mean?
> Thanks,
> -Buse
> On 5 November 2017 at 19:54, Buse Merve Ürgen < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear Freesurfer developers,
>     I would like to run Local Gyrification Index analysis for a group
>     of healthy controls and a single patient. After running recon-all
>     -s <subj> -localGI command, we get lh.pial_lgi and rh.pial_lgi
>     surf files. In the last stage of this analysis, local gyrification
>     index values are calculated at each pial vertices.
>     In the wiki, it is said that the next process should be done in
>     qdec, but since I have only one patient, GLM analysis would not be
>     suitable. Thus, I would like to get the LGI values of each subject
>     as e.g. text files (like stats files for curvature, thickness, gm
>     volume), and use them for my own analysis (not in qdec). I know
>     that we can get parcel-wise anaysis values using this command:
>     mri_segstats --annot CASE lh aparc \
>       --i $SUBJECTS_DIR/CASE/surf/lh.pial_lgi \
>       --sum lh.aparc.pial_lgi.stats
>     But I would like to use vertex-wise analysis values for my won
>     analysis. Is it possible? Can I learn the command I need to use to
>     get these values for each subject?
>     Thank you,
>     Buse
>     -- 
>     Buse
>     ​ Urgen
> -- 
> Buse M. Ürgen
> Ph.D. Candidate Neuroscience Graduate Program National Magnetic 
> Resonance Research Center (UMRAM) & Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research 
> Center Bilkent University Ankara, 06800 Turkey
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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