do you really want the atlas in MNI space or do you want an individual subject parcellation mapped to MNI? If the atlas, I think it already is, or at least it lives on the fsaverage surface which has associated MNI coords.
Doug can confirm.


On Mon, 16 Oct 2017, cain wrote:

Thanks for your quick reply. For the third question, if I use talairach.xfm to 
transform the atlas in volume, it will go to the MNI305 space. However, how to 
transform the atlas from the Talariach to MNI152 space? And I will the atlas in 
volume format in other software related to the functional MRI. Thank you for 
the great help !
At 2017-10-15 23:35:58, "Bruce Fischl" <> wrote:
Hi Zhiqiang

(1) No, the manual parcellations were done in individual subject space,
then compiled into an atlas in fsaverage/spherical warp coords.

(2) We inflate the white surface, but I don't think inflating the pial
would be much different. YOu can do it yourself if you want with

(3) No, this converts it to individual subject space. You could transform
it to MNI with mri_vol2vol using the talairach.xfm that is in the subjects
mri/transforms dir.


On Sun, 15 Oct 2017, Zhiqiang Sha wrote:

I have three questions about the transformation.
(1) Is Desikan-Killiany Atlas in Talairach space? The volume was transposed onto the 
cortical surface based on the image in freesurfer/average/mni305.cor.mgz ?
(2) DK_atlas seems to be obtained from the inflation of interface of gray and 
white matter. Did you
release the inflated surfaces based on the inner and outer surfaces ?
(3)  I have transformed this atlas from surface to volume using mri_aparc2aseg 
with default
parameters (e.g. mri_aparc2aseg --s bert). Is this transformed volume in 
Talariach space ? Do I need
transform it to MNI space again ?

I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much !

Best Wishes,
Zhiqiang Sha


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