Hi Doug,

I was wondering if anyone could offer some insight into a freesurfer
challenge I've encountered. I have run a resting connectivity analysis
using the fsfast stream and now have a pcc.nii.gz map for each subject that
is in fsaverage space (and loads just fine using tksurfer with fsaverage).
Without mapping back to each subject's native space, is there a way to just
use the fsaverage aparc to extract the mean pcc value for each subject by
parcellation? I initially tried the following:

`mris_anatomical_stats -a fsaverage/label/lh.aparc.annot -t
fsaverage/surf/<subject pcc map in fsaverage space> -b fsaverage lh'

and got an error that fsaverage/mri/wm.mgz could not be found. I followed
an old post on the listerv and just put in a random wm.mgz file from a
subject, assuming that anatomical stats wouldn't be calculating any
distances if I specified a surface file.

After I tried the same command again, I got this error:

"ERROR: subject fsaverage is an average subject. mris_anatomical_stats
cannot currently be used with an average subject. "

Is there a better way to do this that I might be missing? I don't know if
it complicates things given that the pcc files are saved as .nii.gz, even
though they are surface overlays?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Victoria J. Williams, PhD
Clinical Research Fellow

Interdisciplinary Brain Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Department of Neurology
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
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