I am attempting to create a volume from a surface. My ultimate goal is to 
obtain a mask that includes everything "inside" the white matter surfaces. 
wm.mgz is close, but it would nicer to just get a mask from lh.white and 
rh.white. I would like these masks to be in the subject's native space. However 
I try the following command and see the resulting error:

mri_surf2vol --o coleMRI06162006/mri/lh.white.mask.mgz --mkmask --hemi lh 
--identity coleMRI06162006 --template coleMRI06162006/mri/orig/orig.mgz

gdiagno = -1
Using identity matrix for registration
mghRead(coleMRI06162006/mri/orig/orig.mgz, -1): could not open file
mri_surf2vol ERROR: reading coleMRI06162006/mri/orig/orig.mgz header

I'm obviously doing something wrong here, but I'm not sure what needs to 
change. I used --identity because native space, and it wouldn't let me run the 
command without specifying --template, which I'm not sure I understand, 
because, again, target is native space. Please illuminate me,

Thank you,

- Eli

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