what is your mri_glmfit command line?

On 07/12/2017 02:32 PM, Bruss, Joel E wrote:
> I have a group of subjects, scans at time1 and time2 that have been 
> run through the longitudinal stream.  I have a group of ROIs in MNI 
> space that I've been able to push up to fsaverage following the 
> VolumeRoiCorticalThickness tutorial:
> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/VolumeRoiCorticalThickness
> Further, I've used mri_surf2surf to push the mgh file to each subject.
> I'm using mri_segstats to pull out mean thickness and a few other 
> variables.  If I load the mgh into tksurfer and create a label by hand 
> (~99% the same), I can use mris_anatomical_stats which will also 
> output surface area.  I can also use the label with mri_segstats 
> (--slabel) to calculate the thickness, etc. and those values match the 
> ones from mris_anatomical_stats.
> Based on the input (mgh or label), I get either voxels or vertices.  
> While not exactly the same and possibly due to creating the label by 
> hand, the numbers are very close. However, the volume reported 
> (GrayVol for mris_anatomical_stats, Volume_mm3 for mri_segstats) are 
> really different between the two methods.  In checking a few subjects, 
> the volume reported for mris_anatomical_stats is usually 2-3 times 
> larger than mri_segstats.  Why is this?  Which volume is correct?  Is 
> there a way to make one program calculate a volume more in line with 
> the other?  Less important, is there a way to force mri_segstats to 
> output surface area?
> Thank you for taking the time to read this
> -Joel
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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