It looks like -autrecon2 is misspelled.
It should be -autorecon2

I hope this is helpful.

Best regards,


Don Krieger, Ph.D.
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Pittsburgh
(412)648-9654 Office
(412)521-4431 Cell/Text

[] On Behalf Of Gwang-Won Kim
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 7:44 AM
Subject: [Freesurfer] Recon-all error: -autrecon2 unrecognized

Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I saw UserContributions/FAQ of FreeSurfer as following:
Q. I have already skull-stripped data. Can I submit it to recon-all?

A: If your skull-stripped volume does not have the cerebellum, then no. If it 
does, then yes, however you will have to run the data a bit differently.

First you must run only -autorecon1 like this:
recon-all -autorecon1 -noskullstrip -s <subjid>

Then you will have to make a symbolic link or copy T1.mgz to 
and a link from to brainmask.mgz. Finally, open this 
brainmask.mgz file and check that it looks okay (there is no skull, cerebellum 
is intact; use the sample subject bert that comes with your FreeSurfer 
installation to make sure it looks comparable). From there you can run the 
final stages of recon-all:
recon-all -autrecon2 -autorecon3 -s <subjid>

I tried to process recon-all -autrecon2 -autorecon3 -s <subjid>.

But I have a problem.

Error message: Flag -autrecon2 unrecognized.

What is the problem?

1) FreeSurfer version: 6.0

2) Platform: CentOS release 6.8

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