Hello Freesurfer Experts,

I have a question to ask about extracting the mean time series from 
resting-state fMRI (239 volumes).

I have used bbregister to bring the 4D fMRI data into T1 space. My next 
objective is to project the data onto the fsaverage surface, and then extract 
the mean time series for each ROI.

These are my steps so far. Can anyone let me know if I am on the right/wrong 

bbregister --s  $i --mov ${i}_medn.nii (fMRI resting-state) --init-fsl --t2 
--reg ${i}/fmri/fmri_t1.dat --o ${i}/fmri/fmri_t1.mgz

mri_vol2surf --src ${i}/fmri/fmri_t1.mgz --out ${i}/surf/lh.fmri.mgh --hemi lh 
--projfrac 0.5 --interp nearest --regheader ${i} --trgsubject fsaverage

mri_segstats --i ${i}/surf/lh.fmri.mgh  --annot fsaverage lh aparc --sum 

Ultimately, how may I derive a 239 (volumes) x 34 (ROIs per hemisphere) matrix 
of the data?

Appreciate your help. Thanks!

Best Wishes,

Elijah Mak, Research Associate
Department of Psychiatry,  Old Age Psychiatry Group
University of Cambridge
Trinity College, CB21TQ, UK

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