Hi Martin,

Thanks a lot.
So it is uncorrected. Can one use the following cmd to do multiple
comparison correction?

mri_glmfit-sim \
  --glmdir lh.testretest.thickness-pc1.fwhm15  \
  --cache 4 neg \
  --cwp  0.05\

I tried to run above cmd, it shows

ERROR: thresh = 4,0, must be 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 3.0, 3.3, 4.0

Not sure if there is a bug or if my input is wrong.

Any suggestions is appreciated!


On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Martin Reuter <mreu...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> Hi Jahanvi,
> there should be a way to display the bar, but I don’t know how (others
> will know)!
> sig is not FDR corrected.
> Best, Martin
> On 18 May 2017, at 08:56, jahanvi patel <jahanvipatel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks a lot for the reply. Is there a way to display the bar in effect
> size?
> And is this sig.mgh already statistically corrected? (FDR?)
> Best,
> Jahanvi
> On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 1:55 AM, Martin Reuter <
> mreu...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Jahanvi,
>> I think red is positive (some people invert the colors, then
>> red=hot=dangerous ). But I think default is blue negative, red positive, so
>> there is an average increase in thickness. You should also look at the
>> effect size (gamma).
>> The p -values are in log 10 space, so 2 = 0.01 and 5 = 0.00001
>> Best, Martin
>> On 17 May 2017, at 22:17, jahanvi patel <jahanvipatel...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> Thanks a lot. It had worked nicely.
>> I got one question about this following cmd
>> tksurfer fsaverage lh pial -overlay lh.testretest.thickness-pc1.fw
>> hm15/osgm/sig.mgh
>> I got a red to yellow sig.mgh, does it mean I got a increased percent
>> thickness change (pc1)? and the color bar showing 2 to 5 means?
>> Best,
>> Jahanvi
>> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:11 PM, Martin Reuter <
>> mreu...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Jahanvi,
>>> 1. yes, you need to create this table to then perform the stats
>>> 2. no, the format is as I described it below
>>> fsid            fsid-base
>>> tp1_subA  templatesubA
>>> tp2_subA  templatesubA
>>> tp1_subB  templatesubB
>>> tp2_subB  templatesubB
>>> this is assuming that you called your base templatesubA and templatesubB
>>> for the two subjects. It will automatically look in the
>>> tp1_subA.long.templatesubA etc. directories.
>>> Best, Martin
>>> On 12 May 2017, at 16:55, jahanvi patel <jahanvipatel...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>> Do you mean by creating this long.testretest.qdec file, one can then
>>> perform the stats for the longitudinal2StageModel?
>>> So for a 2 timepoints analysis, eg. TP1 & TP2.
>>>  the long.testretest.qdec will be looking like this  ?
>>> fsid                                             fsid-base
>>> tp1_subA.long.TemplatesubA     tp2_subA.long.TemplatesubA
>>> tp1_subB.long.TemplatesubB     tp2_subB.long.TemplatesubB
>>> tp1_subC.long.TemplatesubC     tp2_subC.long.TemplatesubC
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jahanvi
>>> tksurfer fsaverage lh pial -overlay lh.testretest.thickness-pc1.fw
>>> hm15/osgm/sig.mgh
>>> Hi Jahanvi,
>>>> long.testretest.qdec is a qdec table in the longitudional format (with
>>>> the fsid-base as the second column).
>>>> For test-retest (e.g. same session with subject removal), you usually
>>>> don't need a time column, that is why --generic-time is specified. the qdec
>>>> table would just look like
>>>> fsid fsid-base
>>>> me me_test
>>>> me me_retest
>>>> you you_test
>>>> you you_retest
>>>> ...
>>>> Best, Martin
>>>> On 05/08/2017 04:10 PM, jahanvi patel wrote:
>>>> Hello list,
>>>> I have a simple question about the LongitudinalTwoStageModel tutorials
>>>> on freesurfer website.
>>>> It is from this link
>>>> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LongitudinalTwoStageModel
>>>> long_mris_slopes --qdec long.testretest.qdec \
>>>>       --meas thickness \
>>>>       --hemi lh \
>>>>       --sd $SUBJECTS_DIR \
>>>>       --do-pc1 --do-label \
>>>>       --generic-time \
>>>>       --fwhm 15 \
>>>>       --qcache fsaverage \
>>>>       --stack-pc1 lh.testretest.thickness-pc1.stack.mgh \
>>>>       --isec-labels lh.testretest.fsaverage.cortex.label
>>>> My question is, what is the content of  long.testretest.qdec ?
>>>> I understood till 1st stage was done, we got only one file which is
>>>> long.qdec.table.dat.
>>>> Could anyone help to clarify my question?
>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>> Jahanvi
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