Hi Freesurfer Developers,

I'm trying to map the vertices of caudal middle frontal in one subject into
the space of another subject by using mri_label2label. And I used the
method mentioned in this

We are using freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0, and I
noticed the mri_label2label in v5.1 has the bug of getting holes in the
mapped labels(
So I am using the
/usr/local/freesurfer/freesurfer_dev/bin/mri_label2label.bin from

For example, we have source Labels(aparc-lh-003_5thCol.label), which are
all in SurfaceRAS coordinates:
#!ascii label  , from subject FreeSurfer vox2ras=TkReg
104996  -35.679  16.281  25.156 1
104997  -36.480  16.439  25.362 2
104998  -37.443  16.702  25.369 3
105705  -41.554  16.840  28.930 4
105716  -40.445  17.153  28.046 5
105720  -39.570  17.200  26.959 6
131017  -29.315  12.915  45.422 7
131030  -31.304  12.514  46.455 8

By running this:
/usr/local/freesurfer/freesurfer_dev/bin/mri_label2label.bin --srclabel
aparc-lh-003_5thCol.label --srcsubject FreeSurfer --trglabel
aparc-lh-003_5thCol_Reg2MNI.label --trgsubject FreeSurferMNI152 --regmethod
surface --hemi lh

We got mapped Labels(aparc-lh-003_5thCol_Reg2MNI.label), which are all in
SurfaceRAS coordinates:
119096  -39.670  37.222  12.833 3.0000000000
117433  -44.642  35.253  14.575 4.0000000000
118250  -43.206  35.844  14.273 5.0000000000
119091  -42.114  36.692  14.044 6.0000000000
120517  -26.436  38.614  21.780 7.0000000000
121236  -25.959  39.757  24.739 8.0000000000
1321  -22.346  -82.436  -9.530 0.0000000000
121253  -26.213  39.504  23.711 8.0000000000

But the mapped labels I got from the mri_label2label in v5.1 and that from
using mri_label2label.bin in dev are quite similar to each other when
applying the method to around 3500 labels.

So I am wondering if the bug of getting holes was fixed by providing
morphological operations in the updated mri_label2label like close
operation. If it is true, I am confused about the mapped labels from
mri_label2label with close operation.

For example, with the same source labels above, I ran

/usr/local/freesurfer/freesurfer_dev/bin/mri_label2label.bin --srclabel
aparc-lh-003_5thCol.label --srcsubject FreeSurfer --trglabel
aparc-lh-003_5thCol_Reg2MNI_close2.label --trgsubject FreeSurferMNI152
--regmethod surface --hemi lh --close 2

And we got mapped Labels(aparc-lh-003_5thCol_Reg2MNI_close2.label):
119096  -39.670  37.222  12.833 3.0000000000
117433  -44.642  35.253  14.575 4.0000000000
118250  -43.206  35.844  14.273 5.0000000000
119091  -42.114  36.692  14.044 6.0000000000
120517  -26.436  38.614  21.780 7.0000000000
121236  -25.959  39.757  24.739 8.0000000000
1321  -22.346  -82.436  -9.530 0.0000000000
121253  -26.213  39.504  23.711 8.0000000000
1045  -1.690  -91.572  -40.145 0.0000000000
118251  -18.413  75.394  63.061 0.0000000000
118258  -21.026  75.715  61.847 0.0000000000
119092  -19.797  75.786  62.165 0.0000000000

The problem is that four additional labels 1045, 118251, 118258 and 119092
are not actually on the white matter surface but seem to be right on a
sphere(ex. label 1045, 1.690^2+91.572^2+40.145^2=100^2). But I checked all
other mapped labels like 119096, they are on the WM surface in the
SurfaceRAS coordinates.

I am using CentOS release 6.9.


All the Best,
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