
I’ve a .mgh that is a volume projected on the surface of the same subject at 
mid-thickness (output of mri_vol2surf) .

I would like to extract the mean hemipheric value in this X.mgh.

I guess it is possible with mris_anatomical stats but probably my command line 
is incorrect (see below).

Any advices?

Thank you and best,


mris_anatomical_stats ct_pp1_N4_bet_MP2RAGEcorr -a 
ct_pp1_N4_bet_MP2RAGEcorr/label/lh.aparc.annot lh R1.mgh 

computing statistics for each annotation in 
reading volume 
reading input surface 
ERROR: MRISread: file 
 has 0 vertices!
Probably trying to use a scalar data file as a surface!

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