Dear Freesurfer Experts,

Please excuse my long email yesterday.

Now, I finished code update of the outlier detection part for brainstem
substructures (bs) and Hippocampal Subfields (hc) modules. Code updated in
the similar way as my last email except that I combined the output of both
modules to simplify the process. The following log files might show some
clue of my exploration:

YongbshcLUT (like asegLUT_112511):

Medulla 0.287988 +/- 0.0304379
Pons 0.864817 +/- 0.128019
SCP 0.0161611 +/- 0.0030778
Midbrain 0.388938 +/- 0.038842
Whole_brainstem 1.8246 +/- 0.184472
Left-Hippocampal_tail 0.0291617 +/- 0.00437039
Left-subiculum 0.0237801 +/- 0.0044348
Left-CA1 0.0387709 +/- 0.00612168
Left-hippocampal-fissure 0.00944849 +/- 0.00188347
Left-presubiculum 0.0177329 +/- 0.00272706
Left-parasubiculum 0.00372024 +/- 0.000876862
Left-molecular_layer_HP 0.0320802 +/- 0.00806223
Left-GC-ML-DG 0.0186971 +/- 0.00308382
Left-CA3 0.0120106 +/- 0.00198279
Left-CA4 0.0132618 +/- 0.00261687
Left-fimbria 0.00371701 +/- 0.00166146
Left-HATA 0.0031189 +/- 0.000692806
Left-Whole_hippocampus 0.190022 +/- 0.0246413
Right-Hippocampal_tail 0.030817 +/- 0.00496078
Right-subiculum 0.0248689 +/- 0.00427691
Right-CA1 0.0370719 +/- 0.00873442
Right-hippocampal-fissure 0.0103329 +/- 0.00187117
Right-presubiculum 0.0178487 +/- 0.00260947
Right-parasubiculum 0.00380418 +/- 0.000861778
Right-molecular_layer_HP 0.032938 +/- 0.00448073
Right-GC-ML-DG 0.0168729 +/- 0.00304788
Right-CA3 0.0130893 +/- 0.00239818
Right-CA4 0.0143492 +/- 0.00281808
Right-fimbria 0.00438099 +/- 0.00176098
Right-HATA 0.00338842 +/- 0.0006037
Right-Whole_hippocampus 0.198797 +/- 0.0243668

an example subject's bshc.stats (like aseg.stats):

Medulla 4288.386728
Pons 12836.783824
SCP 194.446727
Midbrain 8306.988464
Whole_brainstem 22293.878740
Left-Hippocampal_tail 462.086606
Left-subiculum 307.970217
Left-CA1 816.878818
Left-hippocampal-fissure 118.986208
Left-presubiculum 227.392060
Left-parasubiculum 84.381831
Left-molecular_layer_HP 841.496111
Left-GC-ML-DG 238.308049
Left-CA3 183.383724
Left-CA4 196.098618
Left-fimbria 73.990998
Left-HATA 36.237082
Left-Whole_hippocampus 2838.187477
Right-Hippocampal_tail 408.832729
Right-subiculum 388.667888
Right-CA1 801.601831
Right-hippocampal-fissure 132.071091
Right-presubiculum 242.179137
Right-parasubiculum 43.414171
Right-molecular_layer_HP 487.298072
Right-GC-ML-DG 246.283617
Right-CA3 164.849646
Right-CA4 209.108368
Right-fimbria 90.291400
Right-HATA 42.073898
Right-Whole_hippocampus 2791.300419

icv.txt (actually eITV instead of ICV):



Subject 008  Right-HATA value .002080900 is an outlier ...

Note: all data here are kind of simulation results because of data safety
reason and these logs only serve as signs of correct code update.

I guess that both the only output of bs and hc (bshc.stats) is segment
volume, not the 'normMean normStdDev ...' in aseg.stats.
So is it senseful to include those 'norm*' measures in the bs & hc modules
in the future?
BTW, is there an advantage to use normMax / eITV rather than normMean /
eITV in outlier detection in theory?

Thank you very much again!

I wish all of you a nice weekend!

Best regards,

Yong Li,  PhD
Department of Neurology,
Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technische Universität München,
Munich, Germany

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Yong Li <> wrote:

> Dear Freesurfer Experts,
> As one of the new freesurfers, I really appreciate the excellent work of
> authors as well as great support of users' forum.
> A good guess of mine is that authors, e.g., Vasanth or Louis etc., are
> busy updating QA tools after the FSv6 release since the QA Tools v1.2 was
> written for FSv5.3. If so, is it possible to provide an estimated release
> date please so as to adjust my plan? Thanks for understanding!
> In case, it might take a while to release the next QA Tool, may I dare to
> provide my attempts of code updating of some functions in QA Tools? The
> following are the brief list of code adapting steps:
> 1. modified codes for generating file order list in recon_checker;
> 2. modified codes for matching segment names for instance from
> DefaultAsegMeans.txt in gparcmean_from_table;
> 3. adapted default_FOF and default_status_log for FSv6.
> After these adaptation, QA Tools ran through and I only encountered some
> 'syntax error' in terminal for 2 segments, 5th-Ventricle and
> WM-hypointensities, that I have to ask the experts to guide me through this
> point if it's of your interests. To ensure the QA Tools functioning well, I
> tested 116 elderly patients and detected reasonable outliers per patient.
> Therefore, I would like to double that my code updating based on my general
> understanding of QA Tool still fit to the basic purpose of authors by
> asking the following theoretical questions:
> 1. SNR and segments outliers detection are measures of quality assessment
> in QA Tools. Have other factors such as subject's motion, image bias,
> resolution etc. been considered in QA Tools or future release? The default
> SNR threshold is 16 based on any reference? The max SNR of my patients so
> far is 32. Any idea of scores of healthy elderly controls?
> 2. The QA Tools v1.2 analyzes aseg.stats output. Is it possible to include
> output of brainstem substructures and HippocampalSubfields of FSv6? If yes,
> I would like to adapt the codes and provide you some feedback if you think
> that I can help bit.
> 3. Future directions mentioned in QA Tools wiki site are interesting and
> thoughtful. Are other features like 'Detect outliers in aparc and aparc2009
> volumes' on the way?
> 4. Is there a function to summarize all QA measures to csv files, like the
> in brainstem substructures?
> Thank you in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Yong Li, PhD
> _________________________
> Department of Neurology,
> Klinikum rechts der Isar,
> Technische Universität München,
> Munich, Germany
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