
I'm currently doing a resting state functional connectivity analysis. I have 
two groups and my ultimate goal is to compare the resting state network of 
group 1 to that of group 2.

What is the standard procedure for comparing resting state connectivity across 

I've followed the directions on the FsFast Functional Connectivity Walkthrough 
 and after the isxconcat-sess, I did mri_glmfit --y ces.nii.gz -wls pcc.nii.gz 
-surface fsaverage lh -glmdir [my/group1.directory.wls} -nii.gz, for each 
group. This got me the mean for both groups individually. I'm now stuck on how 
to proceed to compare across my groups. Using mri_glmfit creates the problem of 
trying to pre-process each group without a variable for -measure, and I'm not 
sure if using the -iv flag with the ces.nii.gz or pcc.nii.gz is going to give 
me what I need.

Thank you.

--Emma Bailin

Emma Bailin
Research Coordinator
Laboratory for Visual Neuroplasticity
Schepens Eye Research Institute
Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary
Harvard Medical School

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