
I'm preparing to do resting state analyses and I'd like to use the Yeo 2011 
network atlas for the cortical parcellations. Looking through the archive, I 
know that mri_surf2surf with the -sval-annot flag can be used to convert the 
fsaverage from the Yeo et al 2011 study to an individual subject space, but I 
noticed a caveat to this when I called mri_surf2surf -help. The caveat is on 
example 5: "this is not a substitute for running the cortical parcellation! The 
parcellations that it maps to the new subject may not be appropriate for that 

Given this information, I've got a few questions:

1)      How accurate is the mapping using mri_surf2surf? That is, is it good 
for preliminary data, but not for the final analysis?

2)      How do you run the cortical parcellation using the Yeo 2011 atlas? [I 
know that mris_ca_train and mris_ca_label exist, but I'm unsure if they are the 
right commands to run when I'm not building my own atlas]

3)      If I do the cortical parcellations using the Yeo 2011 atlas, will the 
edits/labels I've done using the Desikan atlas remain accurate? This goes back 
to the second question, as I'm not sure where in the general processing stage I 
need to go.

Thank you!


Emma Bailin

Emma Bailin
Research Coordinator
Laboratory for Visual Neuroplasticity
Schepens Eye Research Institute
Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary
Harvard Medical School

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