Dear all knowing list,

we are just playing around with the MSM code within FSL and noticed that 
if we try to convert surface data to ascii like e.g. this
mri_convert --ascii funcdata.nii funcdata.asc

it produces an ascii file that looks good when opened in a text editor, 
but doesn't seemt o be able to be read in by FSL. But if we just read 
and write the nii file to text in matlab this works.

We think the issue is created by the type of end of line character used 
by FS. Does anyone else have experience with this? Could this be an idea 
to update to make the compatibility with FSL easier?

Cheers from Copenhagen,


Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen, MSc, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Research Unit
University of Copenhagen
Rockefeller Center
Juliane Maries Vej 28/30, 3.
DK-2100 Copenhagen

phone:  +45 3545 6718

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