Dear Batool,

just small remark:

If you did not manually modified talairach registration in your v5.3 subjects, 
I think it could be maybe beneficial to add -clean-tal to reinvoke talairach 
registration. The registration atlas has been updated in V6 but without 
-clean-tal option the registration will not be run again.

And, also, if you do T2 or FLAIR adjustment of surfaces, it could be maybe 
beneficial to add -clean-T2 (-clean-FLAIR) to reinvoke T2/FLAIR registration to 
T1. There is new implementation of initial registration method (mri_coreg) for 


Antonin Skoch

You are correct that the former is true.

Run recon-all -all on your existing subject directories after moving them
to a new v6 directory (with the new fsaverage, etc.) -- it will rerun all
the commands and use your brainmask.mgz deleted voxels, and your wm.mgz 255
voxels to correct the surfaces.You will still need to open your subjects up in 
tkmedit or freeview and
inspect the surfaces for errors.

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 11:13 AM Rizvi, Batool <>

> Thanks for your responses!
> Sorry for the naive question, but I'm wondering which commands I'd use to
> re-process all the data from 5.3. Can I run recon-all -all, and it will go
> through all the steps that it would if I ran it from the start? Or would it
> skip certain steps if it finds
> certain files existing already. I'm pretty sure the former is true, but
> just wanted to confirm.
> Thanks again!
> Batool
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [
>] on behalf of Iglesias Gonzalez,
> Eugenio []
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 26, 2017 11:01 AM
> *To:* Freesurfer support list
> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer 6.0 with some of the analyses
> Dear Batool,
> Sorry for missing your message.
> And dear Adam:
> Thanks for covering me! That’s exactly my standard answer to that question
> ;-)
> Juan Eugenio Iglesias
> ERC Senior Research Fellow
> Translational Imaging Group
> University College London
> On 26 Jan 2017, at 15:55, Adam Martersteck <> wrote:
> I believe Dr. Iglesias previous responses on this exact question have
> been, "yes it's possible, but your results may be harder to
> reproduce"
> e.g. If someone wanted to replicate your study they may have a harder time
> having to download 2 different versions of freesurfer
> to achieve comparable results with your study.
> I think the general consensus is "how many subjects do you have?" -- if
> it's less than 50, you may want to just rerun
> v6 on your subjects as it should preserve the edits -- but it's
> recommended you still open them up and double check.
> -Adam
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 8:37 AM Rizvi, Batool <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone comment on my question below?
> I think the FAQ page mentions that the same version should be used to
> process all cases within a dataset, but my question is whether I can have
> the same dataset used for two different versions for separate analyses?
> This is considering
> that I've already
> processed all my data with 5.3, but am interested in getting hippocampal
> subfields through 6.0.
> Thanks so much!
> Batool
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Rizvi, Batool
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 25, 2017 12:54 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* freesurfer 6.0 with some of the analyses
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if it's okay to run some of the analyses within one study
> on v.5.3 and
> the other hippocampal analyses on 6.0?
> Or do you recommend us starting over for the analyses we've already done
> in 5.3 for that study?
> Thank you!
> Batool
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