Hi all, 

I wish everyone a successful new year 2017! Please pass along this job offer 
for a postdoc position in my group in Bonn, Germany, to anyone interested and 
feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thanks, Martin Reuter

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn, Germany is 
looking for a 
Postdoc (f/m) in Computational Neuroimaging – Code 1427/2016/12
to join the research group of Prof. Martin Reuter.
Research projects will focus on developing image analysis, geometry processing 
and machine learning methods for the automatic analysis of multi-modal human 
MRI data, primarily with the aim to extract imaging biomarkers that can be 
leveraged to both understand or diagnose neurodegenerative disease and to 
provide a rational framework for targeting and monitoring therapy. Prof. Martin 
Reuter, has recently joined the DZNE and simultaneously holds a faculty 
position at the Martinos Center, MGH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA with 
an affiliation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology CSAIL. He is the 
principal developer of the longitudinal processing framework of the software 
package FreeSurfer, providing a suite of tools for the automated analysis of 
brain MRI data to a world-wide user base. He and his team have, furthermore, 
introduced novel approaches for neuroanatomical shape analysis and 
computer-aided diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative disease.
Your profile:
We seek a postdoctoral candidate with a Ph.D. in computer science, engineering 
or mathematics with interest in image and geometry processing and with solid 
programming skills in C/C++, Python, Matlab, R, shell scripting, GPU 
(parallelization). The ideal candidate would have knowledge in computational 
neuroimaging or biomedical engineering and considerable expertise in 
methodological development of quantitative MRI analysis, e.g. registration, 
segmentation, Bayesian modeling. Experience with big data analysis, cloud 
computing and machine learning is an asset. Knowledge of state-of-the-art data 
analyses techniques and neuroimaging software, including FreeSurfer, ANTS, FSL 
is also appreciated. Highly motivated individuals with a record of productive 
research are encouraged to apply. The working language is English.
We offer:
Integration into the computational imaging environment at DZNE and 
interdisciplinary interactions with other institutes in Bonn and abroad (e.g. 
Harvard Medical School).
Recently opened DZNE Research Facilities at Bonn Venusberg, hosting a state of 
the art neuroimaging center with 7T and 3T MRI scanners, as well as 
computational infrastructure supported by experienced IT specialists and 
A rich set of high-quality MR data and applied research questions through 
collaboration with the Rhineland Study, a prospective deeply phenotyped 
longitudinal cohort study with up to 30.000 participants.  
A strong mentoring program for career development is provided.
An international environment characterized by a strong focus on science and 
Bonn, located at the Rhine river in proximity to the Cologne metropolitan area, 
has a very high quality of life, with an international student, research and 
business community.
The position is initially available for 2 years.
Employment, payment and social benefits are determined by the Public Sector 
Collective Agreement (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst – TVöD Bund).  
The DZNE is an equal opportunity employer and especially welcomes and 
encourages disabled individuals to apply. You will obtain special skills and 
knowledge for your scientific qualification during your activities at DZNE.
Interested candidates should send their full application documents in a single 
PDF with subject CODE 1427/2016/12 via email to application(at)dzne.de .
Please include a CV, contact information of two referees, a brief statement 
describing your personal qualifications and future research interests (up to 1 
page), and a list of publications highlighting up to three most important ones. 
Informal enquiries may be directed to Martin Reuter  (martin.reuter(at)dzne.de 
<>). Information about previous activities of the group can be found at 
http://reuter.mit.edu <http://reuter.mit.edu/>

Applications are due January 25 2017
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