You need to include a --surf arg to mri_cor2label. Look at the --help

On 12/15/2016 09:41 AM, Niia Nikolova wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I have some binary ROI masks of MT/V5 that I’ve drawn from activation 
> maps in fslview, which I would like to transform into labels so that I 
> can project them onto a surface and flat patch.
> I have been following parts of this thread
> and have tried using mri_vol2surf and mri_cor2label, but I cannot view 
> the result either with tksurfer or freeview. I would like to be able 
> to load the subjects inflated surface with tksurfer, and add the mask 
> as a label, or something similar.
> The commands I’ve used are as follows:
> mri_vol2surf —src MST_L_bin.nii.gz —out MST_L_surf.mgh —out_type mgh 
> —hemi lh —srcreg MST_L_to_BGimage.dat —projdist 0.5 —ref MST_L_bin.nii.gz
> mri_cor2label —i MST_L_surf.mgh --id 1 —l lh.mst.label
> I previously created MST_L_to_BGimage using fslregister. I am also 
> attaching the input mask file as well as the label file that I 
> generated in this way.
> Are these the right programs to use in this case, and if so, what is 
> the appropriate way of using them?
> Thank you in advance for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Niia
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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