Hello, freesurfer experts:

I have a question, recently, I use the aparcstats2label comamnd, and get the 
result file, and I use tksurfer to display the desikan atlas(?h.aparc.annot), 
and I want to corresponds the labels between this two, but in my 
aparcstats2label result file, i can not find the  corpuscallosum which is the 
No.4 label in tksurfer, to be specific, here is the label ID in desikan atlas 
in tksurfer:

aparc_lables = ['unknown', 'bankssts', 'caudalanteriorcingulate', 
'caudalmiddlefrontal', 'corpuscallosum', 'cuneus',
                'entorhinal', 'fusiform', 'inferiorparietal', 
'inferiortemporal', 'isthmuscingulate',
                'lateraloccipital', 'lateralorbitofrontal', 'lingual', 
                'middletemporal', 'parahippocampal', 'paracentral', 
'parsopercularis', 'parsorbitalis',
                'parstriangularis', 'pericalcarine', 'postcentral', 
'posteriorcingulate', 'precentral', 'precuneus',
                'rostralanteriorcingulate', 'rostralmiddlefrontal', 
                'superiorparietal', 'superiortemporal', 'supramarginal', 
'frontalpole', 'temporalpole',
                'transversetemporal', 'insula']

which has 36 labels, and I dont understand which label is unknow....

on the contrary, the result from aparcstat2table have 36 columns(includint 
subject_id and meanthickness),

so bacially, they have just 34 labels add one 'unknown', it should have 35 
labels, but I did not find the lable

'corpuscallosum', Can someone help me???

The result file for aparcstat2table file is attached:)

Thanks in advance
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