Hi Freesurfer Team, I came across the following error while running mri_glmfit-sim. What is vwsigmax? Thanks for your help again.
The full log is as follows: $Id: FreeSurferEnv.csh,v 1.89 2016/06/09 14:54:31 zkaufman Exp $ Sat Nov 19 02:00:45 GMT 2016 Darwin dhcp-10-240-201-24.cp.wireless.private.cam.ac.uk 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Thu Jun 16 19:58:21 PDT 2016; root:xnu-2782.50.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 MacPro setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Volumes/TITAN/cth_wmh_study FREESURFER_HOME //Users/MacPro/Documents/freesurfer_b6 Original mri_glmfit command line: cmdline mri_glmfit.bin --y y.mgh --fsgd FSGDs/FSGD_Z_cthVsCTH_AD_age dods --C Contrasts/C --surf fsaverage lh --cortex --glmdir Glmdirs/ProjectAD DoSim = 0 UseCache = 1 DoPoll = 0 DoPBSubmit = 0 DoBackground = 0 DiagCluster = 0 gd2mtx = dods fwhm = 20.927757 CSD //Users/MacPro/Documents/freesurfer_b6/average/mult-comp-cor/fsaverage/lh/cortex/fwhm21/abs/th30/mc-z.csd mri_surfcluster --in Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/sig.mgh --mask Glmdirs/ProjectAD/mask.mgh --cwsig Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.cluster.mgh --sum Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.cluster.summary --ocn Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.ocn.mgh --annot aparc --cwpvalthresh 0.05 --o Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.masked.mgh --no-fixmni --csd //Users/MacPro/Documents/freesurfer_b6/average/mult-comp-cor/fsaverage/lh/cortex/fwhm21/abs/th30/mc-z.csd --csdpdf Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.pdf.dat --vwsig Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.voxel.mgh --vwsigmax Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.voxel.max.dat --oannot Glmdirs/ProjectAD/C/cache.th30.abs.sig.ocn.annot --bonferroni 2 --surf white ERROR: Option --vwsigmax unknown Best Wishes, Elijah
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