Try using --o instead of --ocp

On 08/25/2016 05:50 AM, Oana Georgiana Rus wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> thanks a lot for responding. Here my command lines and attached the image.
> *So command line to perform the GLM analysis and get the sig.mgh file 
> was:*
> mri_glmfit --y 
> /data_august/Geo/freesurfer_OCD/freesurf_steps/2_mris_preproc/education_out/rh.all_gender_age.volume.10.mgh
> \
>   --fsgd diagnosis_gender_scanner_age.fsgd dods\
>   --surf average_subjects rh \
>   --C 
> /data_august/Geo/freesurfer_OCD/subjects_converted/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age.mat
> \
>   --C 
> /data_august/Geo/freesurfer_OCD/subjects_converted/difference_Muc_Jen_regressing_group_gender_age.mat
> \
>   --glmdir 
> /data_august/Geo/freesurfer_OCD/freesurf_steps/3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir
> *Then to see the sig.mgh FDR corrected(0.05) and with corresponding 
> clusters in a text file sig.sum the command line was:*
> mri_surfcluster --src 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/sig.mgh
> \
>   --subject average_subjects \
>   --annot aparc \
>   --fdr .05 \
>   --hemi rh \
>   --sum 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/FDR_corrected/sig.cluster.sum
> \
>   --ocp 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/FDR_corrected/sig.cluster.mgh
> *The result output file sig.cluster.sum file looks like: *
> # Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster)
> # $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2012/05/31 22:10:05 greve Exp $
> # $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.693.2.7 2013/05/12 22:28:01 nicks Exp $
> # CreationTime 2016/08/10-12:44:41-GMT
> # cmdline mri_surfcluster --src 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/sig.mgh
> --subject average_subjects --annot aparc --fdr .05 --hemi rh --sum 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/FDR_corrected/sig.cluster.sum
> --ocp 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/FDR_corrected/sig.cluster.mgh
> # cwd /data_august/Geo/freesurfer_OCD/freesurf_steps
> # sysname  Linux
> # hostname
> # machine  x86_64
> # FixVertexAreaFlag 1
> # FixSurfClusterArea 1
> #
> # Input 
> 3_glmfit/education_out/account_for_scanner/rh.gender_age_scanner_Vol.glmdir/difference_OCD_nonOCD_regressing_gender_scanner_age/sig.mgh
> # Frame Number      0
> # srcsubj average_subjects
> # hemi rh
> # surface white
> # annot aparc
> # SUBJECTS_DIR /data_august/Geo/freesurfer_OCD/subjects_converted
> # FDR 0.050000
> # SearchSpace_mm2 68665.3
> # SearchSpace_vtx 163842
> # Bonferroni 0
> # Minimum Threshold 2.90905
> # Maximum Threshold infinity
> # Threshold Sign    abs
> # AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
> # Area Threshold    0 mm^2
> # Overall max 2.17264 at vertex 97170
> # Overall min -5.57963 at vertex 38757
> # NClusters          23
> # Total Cortical Surface Area 68665.3 (mm^2)
> # FixMNI = 1
> #
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs   Annot
>    1       -5.580   38757    312.19     20.1  -49.7    9.0   738 precuneus
>    2       -5.264  112198    798.03     28.5  -80.4   18.9  1067 
> lateraloccipital
> *3       -4.536 37472    126.77     45.4   -7.8   14.7   286  postcentral*
>    4       -4.293    2509    149.21     53.8  -44.9    6.3   296 bankssts
>    5       -4.238  130081    120.67      9.5  -81.0   37.6   171 
> superiorparietal
>    6       -4.176   70319     89.19     43.6  -45.1   -9.9   127 fusiform
>    7       -4.142   99571     56.31     55.7  -13.9   18.5   135 
> postcentral
>    8       -3.903  114823    128.09     49.5  -28.9  -19.9   189 
> inferiortemporal
>    9       -3.601    2614     30.73     10.5   18.1   57.1    56 
> superiorfrontal
>   10       -3.540   17914    118.52     32.3   13.2   50.3   193 
> caudalmiddlefrontal
>   11       -3.477   73193    101.62     44.7   38.5   -5.6   124 
> parstriangularis
>   12       -3.422  162554     56.81     62.7  -36.1   -1.7   100 
> middletemporal
>   13       -3.420   49413     32.19     44.1   -0.3  -17.6    80 
> superiortemporal
>   14       -3.416   19541     59.40     12.9  -50.9   60.8   129 
> superiorparietal
>   15       -3.351   99261     28.03     38.3   40.6    4.6    36 
> rostralmiddlefrontal
>   16       -3.291   44544     46.46      4.3  -57.2   22.4    85 precuneus
>   17       -3.275   28430     29.87     39.4  -14.7  -22.4    47 fusiform
>   18       -3.266  148698     64.62     17.6  -59.8   -1.5    76 lingual
>   19       -3.070  103846     21.14     48.0   31.9   -7.1    28 
> parstriangularis
>   20       -3.052   19099     13.00     17.8   34.1   46.5    18 
> superiorfrontal
>   21       -3.025  139250     23.07     34.9  -84.6    5.2    30 
> lateraloccipital
>   22       -3.021   71749      8.66     21.6  -46.1   -1.4    19 lingual
>   23       -2.959   33038      5.73     42.7  -25.1   60.6    13 
> postcentral
> *In the sig.mgh  result image which is FDR corrected and attached to 
> the email I miss the red marked cluster (the third one).**
> **See result image attached.*
> i can send you also the other views.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best Georgiana
> Am 23.08.2016 um 18:26 schrieb Douglas N Greve:
>> Can you send the command line, the sum file, and a pic of the surface?
>> On 08/23/2016 04:39 AM, Oana Georgiana Rus wrote:
>>> Dear Freesurfer experts,
>>> I have run an analysis on GM Volume in Freesurfer.
>>> The interested contrast was patients vs. controls. (/command mri_glimfit/)
>>> I then ran /mri_surfcluster/ command to get a text file with the
>>> significant clusters FDRcorrected and their peak coordinatesn-
>>> resulting in a *sig.mgh image* and a *sig.sum file*.
>>> *After looking at the sig.mgh image with tksurfer and searching for
>>> the significant clusters in the sig.sum files, I realized that one
>>> cluster which is pretty big is missing in the sig.mgh image but is
>>> present in the sig.sum file.*
>>> *Do you know why this could happen?Why is the image incomplete?*
>>> *Anybody encounterd something similar?*
>>> Because in the next step I want to extract the values of the
>>> significant clusters and correlate them with clinical scores, it would
>>> be good if thenumber of clusters in the result image and the result
>>> file coincide.
>>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>>> Best,
>>> Georgiana
>>> -- 
>>> Oana Georgiana Rus
>>> PhD Student
>>> Neuroimaging Center TUM-NIC
>>> Klinikum rechts der Isar
>>> Technische Universität München
>>> Einsteinstr.1
>>> 81675 München
>>> Raum 5.8
>>> Tel. 089 4140 7971
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Freesurfer mailing list
> -- 
> Oana Georgiana Rus
> PhD Student
> Neuroimaging Center TUM-NIC
> Klinikum rechts der Isar
> Technische Universität München
> Einsteinstr.1
> 81675 München
> Raum 5.8
> Tel. 089 4140 7971
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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