MRIwrite() writes out the image as a float, whereas FS insists that it 
be UCHAR or INT. To get this, run

mri_convert aseg.mgz -odt int --no_scale 1 aseg.mgz

View aseg.mgz to make sure it looks right, then rerun recon-all 
-autorecon2-cp -autorecon3

On 08/24/2016 05:51 PM, Silas wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer team,
> I'm doing a structural analysis with 50 MS patients and 50 healthy 
> controls (T1, T2 and FLAIR). The MS patients have multiple lesions 
> mainly in white matter. My co-worker did manual editing (bullet 
> points) in the FLAIR images, and i would like to use these edits when 
> running recon-all in order to avoid further manual editing.
> _Steps in analysis:_
> 1) First steps of recon-all:
> recon-all -autorecon1 -autorecon2
> 2) Reslicing the FLAIR images:
> The (256x256x256) didn't have the same size as the 
> FLAIR (resliced to 1mm, co-registered in MNI-space and with manually 
> drawn binary lesion masks (218x182x182)). I overcome this problem by 
> reslicing the FLAIR images using as the image defining 
> space. This was done in SPM8, and prior to this the was 
> converted to a .nii using mri_convert.
> 3) Insert lesions from the resliced FLAIR images to aseg.mgz:
> aseg = MRIread(''); % FreeSurfer aseg
> manlesion = MRIread('manlesion.nii.gz'); % Manual lesion, whatever 
> format, but should be binary
> ind = find( (aseg.vol == 2 | aseg.vol == 41) & manlesion.vol ~= 0);
> newaseg = aseg;
> newaseg.vol(ind) = 77;
> MRIwrite(newaseg,'aseg.mgz'); % This will overwrite the aseg.mgz, so 
> make a backup
> 4) The last steps of recon-all:
> recon- all -autorecon2-cp -autorecon3
> When running the following command i get this error:
> /depot64/freesurfer/freesurfer.5.3.0/bin/recon-all -s 01MS 
> -autorecon2-cp -autorecon3 subjid 01MS
> ............
> '#@# Intensity Normalization2 Mon Aug  DATE
> /.../subjects_FLAIR/01MS/mri
>  mri_normalize -aseg aseg.mgz -mask brainmask.mgz norm.mgz brain.mgz
> using segmentation for initial intensity normalization
> using MR volume brainmask.mgz to mask input volume...
> reading from norm.mgz...
> Reading aseg aseg.mgz
> normalizing image...
> processing with aseg
> removing outliers in the aseg WM...
> 5361 control points removed
> Building bias image
> mriMarkUnmarkedNeighbors: all inputs must be MRI_UCHAR or MRI_INT
> building Voronoi diagram...
> Numerical argument out of domain
> Linux big28 3.13.0-66-generic #108-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 7 15:20:27 UTC 
> 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> recon-all -s 01MS exited with ERRORS at Mon Aug  8 15:31:32 CEST 2016
> *The lesions looks alright (as if they are in the right place). Do you 
> have any suggestions what to do if they are not? And what could be the 
> problem if they are placed correctly?*
> *What is the advantage of starting by running autorecon-1 and 2 and 
> then inserting the lesions from the FLAIR?*
> Thanks a lot for all your help!
> Best, Silas
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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