Mmm, it sounds like the shape of the tract is too convoluted for it to find a good fit. I'd try increasing the # of control points.
On Fri, 19 Aug 2016, Elijah Mak wrote:
Hi Anastasia, Thank you for looking into that subject. I have tried reinitiliasation a few times and in all cases, it just could not find a satisfactory control point fit during the -prior stage. Therefore, the -prior stage has been running for more than 10 hours now. This occurs in other a small number of other subjects as well. WARN: Could not find satisfactory control point fit - try 596 How can I resolve this? And what type of problem could be reflected by this? Bad aparc+aseg.mgz / registration to template? If all else fails, I will exclude subjects using the criteria that you set in the Neuroimage paper: where a subject was excluded if there were failures of reconstruction in 2 or more WM tracts. Thank you for your help! Best Wishes, Elijah -- Elijah Mak, Gates Scholar PhD Candidate | Psychiatry University of Cambridge Trinity College, Cambridge, CB2 1TQ
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