Dear FS experts:
I am trying to qdec to analysis FS results. when I loading qdec.table.dat,
it shows cannot open the data (could not fine column name of fsid or ID)

Following is my qdec files:

fsid Gender age diagnosis L_frontal_V L_cingulate_V L_occipital_V
L_temporal_V L_parietal_V L_insula_V R_frontal_V R_cingulate_V R_occipital_V
R_temporal_V R_parietal_V R_insula_V
201 male 26 RT 90473 12084 21898 59241 62664 5899 85844 11010 19002 56413
60214 6085
202 male 21 RT 97466 10844 25305 59970 60806 7282 96692 12076 26222 61450
61593 7172
203 female 27 RT 72102 10805 17281 47113 47328 5990 72102 10805 17281 47113
47328 5990
301 female 19 Control 71977 7757 17074 44763 45861 5627 68432 8775 17099
44247 48478 5407
302 female 21 Control 81139 11166 23599 56458 51749 6361 80712 9279 24278
54830 54307 6596
303 male 20 Control 99284 11845 26018 65006 60851 7058 96242 10520 23110
61714 67203 7235

error message:

Loading data table /home/Lawrence/Lawrence_data/qdec/qdec.table.dat...
ERROR: QdecDataTable::Load could not find column named 'fsid' or 'ID' in
Error loading the data table.

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