Sorry, I can't think of an easy way to do this. It is possible for two 
adjacent vertices to be in two voxels that only share an edge or a 
corner and not necessarily a face. Maybe if you increase the size of the 
mesh (and so reduce the distance between vertices) you will not run into 
this problem. I don't know of a command off hand that will do this, but 
I think Bruce may have something.

On 06/24/2016 07:33 AM, MIKHAEL Shadia wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interested in the cortical parcellations at the pial (grey 
> matter) and white matter layers
> I have extracted grey matter (pial) and white matter (white) labels 
> for a gyrus (right superior frontal gyrus, label 2028)
> mri_annotation2label --subject s1/12copy --hemi rh --labelbase 
> ./12copy/label/rh.cortex --surface pial
> mri_annotation2label --subject s1/12copy --hemi rh --labelbase 
> ./12copy/label/rh.cortex --surface white
> then converted the above 2 files (renamed to ...-wm and ...-gm) for 
> the superior frontal gyrus  to nifti's for viewing in other applications
> mri_label2vol --label ./label/rh.cortex-028.label --o 
> rh-cortex-028-rsfg-wm.nii --identity --temp ./mri/T1.mgz
> mri_label2vol --label ./label/rh.cortex-028.label --o 
> rh-cortex-028-rsfg-gm.nii --identity --temp ./mri/T1.mgz
> My goal is to run some statistics on 2 nifti's, which requires 
> continuity in the nonzero voxels, in at least 1 of the 3 directions 
> (x/y/z). This isn't the case for this gyri, particularly at the pial 
> layer (shown in blue in the attachment). Is there a way in which this 
> could be achieved? Have I missed any steps?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Shads
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