Hi Mahtab

the mris_anatomical_stats help says:

mris_anatomical_stats [options] <subjectname> <hemi> [<surfacename>]
        -f <tablefile>
                table output to tablefile (different format than -b).
                Must use-a or -l options to spec input.

so you are specifycing the name of the table as "anon", the name of the subject as "lh", the name of the hemi as "anon" and the surface name as "lh".

On Thu, 19 May 2016, Mahtab Farahbakhsh wrote:

Dear Bruce,
This is the input command and the output that I get:

bash-3.2$ mris_anatomical_stats -l anon/label/lh.BA45.label -f anon lh anon
limiting computations to label anon/label/lh.BA45.label.
reading volume
-1): could not open file
mris_anatomical_stats: could not read input volume


mris_anatomical_stats -l anon/label/lh.BA45.label anon lh
limiting computations to label anon/label/lh.BA45.label.
reading volume
-1): could not open file
mris_anatomical_stats: could not read input volume

This is the SUBJECTS_DIR

export SUBJECTS_DIR=/Applications/freesurfer/experimental_data/TG/anon


Best Regards,

On 19 May 2016 at 13:41, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
      Hi Mahtab

      can you please send the screen output of the command you ran and
      what it printed, and also what the environment variable
      SUBJECTS_DIR is?

      On Thu, 19 May 2016, Mahtab Farahbakhsh wrote:

            Dear FreeSurfer,
            I have a problem when I use mris_anatomical_stats.
            It gives me an error
            saying that it couldn't read the input volume which
            is the wm.mgz file.
            would you please help me how I should fix this

            Best Regards,

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