PS: For instance you can notice that the added voxels in the axial slice,
* -39.69, 10.78, 11.54*were not included in the surface. By the way, the
subject is 13 months old.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Saturne Fox <> wrote:

> Bruce,
>      I just uploaded the directory through the FTP server, the name of the
> archive is 00M034.tar.gz .
>      Concerning our issue we tried to identify the problem in the light
> of  your advices and we observed that
> the *orig *file contains most of the manual modifications, which are then
> lost in *?h.white*. We spotted some topological
> errors but since the *orig *file is created after the topological
> corrections and that this file mainly suits us, we don't think
>  that it is the main source of error.
>     Thus, we would like to know what is the influence of the variables
> used during the creation of the* ?h.white* surface and how
> we can increase the consideration brought to the added voxels. More
> precisely, when using the* aseg.presurf* file must the added
> voxels be part of the segmented white matter to be taken into account in
> the *?h.white* surface ?
>   As well, we would like to know if 250 is an appropriate intensity to
> manually add voxels.
> Best regards,
> Antoine
> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 6:06 PM, Bruce Fischl <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Antoine
>> we need the entire subject directory tarred and gzipped if you want us to
>> look. And please upload it to our ftp site
>> thanks
>> Bruce
>> On Mon, 9 May 2016, Saturne Fox wrote:
>> ​[icon_10_generic_list.png]
>>>  sanlm_IRC04H_00M034_P_1_WIP_T1W_3D_IRCstandard3...[x_8px.png]
>>> ​Dear Bruce,
>>>        Most of the time the added voxels are included in the orig file
>>> but are lost in the ?h.white one.
>>>        Here is the subject file.
>>> Thanks a lot for your help
>>> Antoine
>>> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Bruce Fischl <>
>>> wrote:
>>>       Hi Antoine
>>>       if you upload the entire subject dir we will take a look. It
>>> sounds like it might be a topological defect. You can
>>>       check this by seeing if the orig.nofix contains the voxels that
>>> you added, but the orig does not.
>>>       cheers
>>>       Bruce
>>>       On Mon, 9 May 2016, Saturne Fox wrote:
>>>             Dear freesurfer users,
>>>                     I need your help concerning manual segmentation
>>> issues.
>>>                     In fact I used the editing tool with an intensity of
>>>  250 to add some
>>>             missing part on the wm.mgz file but some of the added areas
>>> were not
>>>             considered for the creation of the surface.
>>>                     Some of the added parts were only connected through
>>> one voxel to
>>>             the existing parts and I guess that it might have prevented
>>> the surface to
>>>             include these areas but in some other cases the
>>> supplementary parts were
>>>             clear and connected by two or more voxels but were not added.
>>>                     Do you know what are the criteria used by
>>> recon-all to determine the surface ?
>>>                     Do you have advices about how to add voxels and be
>>> sure that they will be
>>>             included in the surface?
>>>             Best regards,
>>>             Antoine
>>>             On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Saturne Fox <
>>>> wrote:
>>>                   Dear freesurfer users community,
>>>                     I need your help concerning manual segmentation
>>> issues.
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