Hi Stephanie,

I think you will need to use the dev version of Freeview for the
"alpha" value to work properly.


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:08 PM, DeCross, Stephanie N.
<sdecr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m trying to open a couple aseg.mgz labels and color code them. I thought
> I’d do this by making my own ColorLUT table, setting the color of my
> regions, and then making every other region in the table be completely
> transparent by fiddling with the opacity value. I can’t figure out what
> number I want in the opacity column to make a region totally transparent,
> and on the wiki it says something about “255-alpha” for that column, but I
> don’t know what that means. In the opacity column I’ve tried values 0, 1,
> and 255, and it all looks the same (completely opaque) - anyone know what
> value I want there?
> Attached is my ColorLUT table, which currently gives me yellow caudate and
> green amyg and hippo (what I want), and the rest of the aseg.mgz labels are
> all black (I’m trying to change all the black to 100% transparent so they
> don’t show up at all and all I see are my yellow and green regions).
> Thanks!!
> (If it’s relevant, I’m loading the fsaverage orig.mgz and aseg.mgz into
> freeview and loading my ColorLUT table onto the aseg.mgz there, because I
> can’t figure out how to get this working in tkmedit).
> Best,
> Stephanie
> Stephanie N. DeCross
> Clinical Research Coordinator
> Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Program
> Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
> Massachusetts General Hospital
> 149 13th Street, Rm 2620A
> Charlestown, MA 02129
> Phone: (617) 724-3283
> Fax: (617) 726-4078
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