thanks, I had forgotten. Is this 1.5T? I'm a bit concerned about the lack of contrast in addition to the noise. I guess decreasing the TE will help this, but you might also try a larger flip. 30 frequently gives us better T1 CNR than 20 (although it's further from the Ernst angle, and hence noiser). Can you pilot a few scans and quantify CNR in various parts of the

On Mon, 25 Apr 2016, Ramtilak Gattu wrote:

Hello Bruce,
Thanks for the response. I previously mentioned the parameters in the earlier 
discussion  for the same topic and you have
suggested to decrease the TE and increase the voxelsize to 1.2mm  for better 
SNR. For the recollection I am again mentioning the
complete parameters here- 

The parameter in the  sequence are TE=4.92 ms, TR=19 ms, Flip angle =20 
degrees, voxel size 1x1x1, receiving coil is the 12 chan

head coil and the transmitting coil is the body coil and GRAPPA of 2. We are 
using  Freesurfer version 5.3.

I am including all the recon result files for one case for your review.




On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Ramtilak Gattu <> 
      Hello Bruce,
Attached are the files for two subjects with brain.mgz and lh.white.
The values of WM in those regions in brain.mgz are above 90.



On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Ramtilak Gattu <> 

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 7:47 PM, Ramtilak Gattu <> 
      Hello Bruce,

      Thanks a lot for your earlier expert option suggestion in improving the 
segmentation during the recon
      process. I am attaching a snap shot where yellow is with expert options 
and red is with default options.
      My concern is where I have indicated with blue arrows . Could you please 
suggest why is it still failing
      to pick up those areas. Is it because of 

a) misregistration with the atlas
         (i)  if so where can I find the results after the non linear 
registration and 
         (ii) would it be possible to improve with any more expert options 
during  the registration and the
segmentation subsequently.

b) or is it should be just changing the lower limit values for the WM and 
higher limit values for the GM. I am
not sure which way to tune the values should I go low on WM values and go high 
on GM values. These are the
actual values 

mri_segment -wlo 87.7  -ghi 103.3
mris_make_surfaces -min_gray_at_white_border 79.4  -max_border_white 109.3  
-min_border_white 90  -max_csf
68.7  -max_gray 98.7 -max_gray_at_csf_border 84.7  -min_gray_at_csf_border 58.1

For example Should these be changed to 

mri_segment -wlo 80  -ghi 110

Thanks for your help in advance.




From: Ramtilak Gattu
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for 
better volume estmation

Thank you for recommending the expert options. I have run this on two subjects 
(rows) and you can see the post
analysis results on the right (column) in the attached  image  . As you have 
mentioned it didnt work well in
the cerebellum any other ways to improve in the inferior regions?


From: Ramtilak Gattu
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for 
better volume estmation

Thank you,

Attached is the scripts folder for one subject .


From: Ramtilak Gattu
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for 
better volume estmation

Sorry, Actually just found out that the receiving coil is the 12 channel head 
coil and the transmitting coil
is the body coil. I am attaching a snapshot showing the sag orientation of the 
three cases that I previously
mentioned and uploaded for your review.

>From these figures do you really think there is not enough contrast, just 

1) why it worked in the bottom image and it failed in the upper two 
2) it failed in the left image and did good in the right image 

We have similar data in 25 of the subjects. Is there a way to salvage the 
existing data and improve our
results we will certainly follow your input in changing the existing protocol 
and collect some data and run
the analysis to see if it improves the results.

One more thought is if is there any other way around to increase the contrast 
by taking help from T2 image and
run recon-all. Do you think it will help?

Thanks for you help .


From: Bruce Fischl <>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 11:22 AM
To: Ramtilak Gattu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for 
better volume estmation

what was the transmit coil? I think I would either reduce the voxel sizes a
bit or not use grappa. Probably go to 1.2 mm or so, which would be a 70%
increase in SNR. That won't help the transmit bias field though if you have
one. The 8 channel can also sometimes be a problem. The 32 channel coils
work much better

On Mon, 28 Mar 2016, Ramtilak Gattu wrote:

> Hey Bruce,
> The scans are done on 3T Siemens TRIO and 8 coil head channel with a GRAPPA 
of 2.
> Here is the screen shot of protocol used.
> Thanks
> Regards
> Tilak
> ________________________________________
> From: Ramtilak Gattu
> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 3:23 PM
> To: Bruce Fischl
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for 
better volume estmation
> Hey Bruce,
> I have uploaded the files in
> I have also included the 001.mgz in there.
> Thanks
> Regards
> Tilak
> ________________________________________
> From: Bruce Fischl <>
> Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2016 8:35 PM
> To: Ramtilak Gattu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for 
better volume estmation
> can you send me the rawavg.mgz from the subjects's mri file instead of
> these dicoms (which I can't read)
> On Sat, 26 Mar 2016, Ramtilak Gattu wrote:
>> Hey Bruce,
>> Thanks for the quick reply.
>> I have uploaded the cases in
>> xWlpwBQnNAhG8%3d&docid=0a72431d82b4d4b9b924cccbdfb7f34f8
>> The voxel dimensions are 1x1x1 mm.
>> Thanks
>> Regards
>> Tilak
>> From: Ramtilak Gattu
>> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 9:59 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for better volume 
>> Hello all,
>>  We have run recon -all on  some healthy control subjects T1 images but we  
found out that the gray-white
segmentation on half our subjects is
>> bad and it leads to increased white matter volumes and decreased gray matter 
volumes. I have included a
snap shot showing the difference in
>> segmentation from bad to good for 3 cases
>> WPDE1klUw%3d&docid=0dd4546a8004f46578b7a2177b192806a
>> . The parameter in the  sequence are TE=4.92 ms, TR=19 ms, Flip angle =20 
degrees. and use a snapshot one
slice to show the good CNR.  We are using
>> Freesurfer version 5.3.
>> Thanks
>> Regards
>> Tilak.
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