Hi Freesurfer Community,

I recently used mri_segstats to extract FA and MD as suggested here:

Using the aparc+aseg and wmparc (resampled to diffusion space), I looked at
some of the correlations between FA and MD in the same regions, and came
across a few interesting ones.

wm_lh_entorhinal FA & wm_lh_entorhinal MD: r = 0.6, p <0.001
ctx_lh_entorhinal FA & ctx_lh_entorhinal MD: r = -0.3, p < 0.020

wm_lh_precuneus FA & wm_lh_precuneus MD: r = -0.6, p <0.001

As I understand, a clear-cut interpretation especially with regards to FA
changes is not so easy!  But could someone discuss / speculate as to why FA
and MD could be positively correlated within the entorhinal WM region? That
was found separately within a group of a elderly healthy controls and a
group of dementia subjects.

Thank you for your time!

Best Wishes,
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