hello experts

i have some question to you

Question 1.
i want to compare two groups(patients group VS control groups) for cortical
thickness asymmetry.
so.. am i using a lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh and
rh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh for each group subjects right..?

Question 2.

Left hemisphere whole vertices were extracted using a matlab. ( i read
i was wondering why vertex# 9(cortical thickness) value is zero? (fig1.png)
what is that mean? plz answer me.

2016-02-13 5:19 GMT+09:00 A-reum Min <naniy...@gmail.com>:

> hello experts
> i have some question to you
> What is the meaning about cortical thickness alteration (increase or
> decrease)
> a few days ago i read these sentences
> Deviations from these patterns can be used as diagnostic indicators for brain
> disorders <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Brain_disorder>: While Alzheimer's
> disease <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Alzheimer%27s_disease>, even very
> early on, is characterized by pronounced cortical thinning[4]
> <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Cortical_thickness#cite_note-Dickerson2009-4>
> , Williams syndrome
> <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki?title=Williams_syndrome&action=edit&redlink=1>
>  patients
> exhibit an increase in cortical thickness of about 5-10% in some regions
> [5]
> <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Cortical_thickness#cite_note-Thompson2005-5>,
> and lissencephalic <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Lissencephalic> patients
> show drastic thickening, up to several centimetres in occipital regions[6]
> <http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Cortical_thickness#cite_note-Guerrini2006-6>.
> from wiki
> i wonder increased or reduced cortex depended on disorder?
> plz answer me
> 2016-02-06 0:27 GMT+09:00 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>> Hi A-reum
>> we use average Euclidean distance from gray to white and visa-versa.
>> There are other (variational) techniques that we have messed around with,
>> but none of our experiments have shown that they are any better, so we have
>> stuck with the simplest thing.
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Fri, 5 Feb 2016, A-reum Min wrote:
>> hello experts
>>> i have some question to you
>>> What method do you use when measuring the cortical thickness?
>>> (ex. Euclidean distance of a Danielsson Distance Map or 3D Eikonal
>>> equation?)
>>> plz answer me.
>>> 2016-01-17 0:53 GMT+09:00 A-reum Min <naniy...@gmail.com>:
>>>       Thank you for u r answer.
>>> I have some question to you.
>>> i compared two groups(patients VS control)
>>> How can i extract the total vertices(ex.#1 vertex : cortical thickness
>>> value) to 1 subject(patient) and average of patients ?
>>> I want to compared asymmetry of brain (lateralization). So, i really
>>> necessary above value(cortical thickness value of vertex).
>>> plz answer me.
>>> Thank you.
>>> 2016-01-17 0:22 GMT+09:00 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>>       Hi Areum
>>>       every brain will have a somewhat different number of
>>>       vertices depending on size and geometry. If you want them
>>>       to be comparable you need to map them into the fsaverage
>>>       space using e.g. the -qcache switch to recon-all (or
>>>       mri_surf2surf directly if you prefer).
>>>       cheers
>>>       Bruce
>>>       On Sat, 16 Jan 2016, A-reum Min wrote:
>>>             Hello expert.
>>>             I'm Areum.
>>>             I have some question to you.
>>>             A weeks ago, i compared two groups (OSA
>>>             patients VS control) and then the
>>>             number of vertices were confirmed.
>>>             Each group has the same number of
>>>             vertices.(176416) -experiment 1.
>>>             And yesterday, i compared two groups(partial
>>>             sleep deprivation:PSD VS
>>>             control) and then the number of vertices were
>>>             confirmed.
>>>             Each group has the same number of
>>>             vertices(169548) -experiment 2.
>>>             1) Why isn't the same number of total
>>>             vertices? is it related rain size?
>>>             2) How can i extract the number of total
>>>             vertices(ex.#1 vertex : cortical
>>>             thickness value) to 1 subject(PSD) and average
>>>             of PSD ?
>>>             I want to compared asymmetry of brain
>>>             (lateralization). So, i really
>>>             necessary above value(cortical thickness value
>>>             of vertex).
>>>             plz answer me.
>>>             Thank you.
>>>             2016-01-07 3:52 GMT+09:00 Bruce Fischl
>>>             <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>>                   Hi A-reum
>>>                   did you talk to the Wash U group? If you
>>>             have nifti files they
>>>                   can be processed using recon-all (i.e.
>>>             recon-all -i <full path
>>>                   to nifti file> -s <subject id> -sd
>>>             <directory to contain all
>>>                   subjects> -all)
>>>                   cheers
>>>                   Bruce
>>>                   On Tue, 29 Dec 2015, A-reum Min wrote:
>>>                         hello experts!my name is areum.
>>>                         i have some question to you.i have
>>>             never seen before
>>>                         these NIFTI
>>>                         format(fig.1.png)
>>>                         I want to see these data
>>>             subjects's cortical
>>>                         thickness using qdec.
>>>                         how can i to do? plz answer me
>>>                         2015-12-25 2:16 GMT+09:00 Bruce
>>>             Fischl
>>>                         <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>>                               Hi A-reum
>>>                               you should probably ask the
>>>             Wash U HCP group.
>>>                         I'll cc Matt
>>>                               Glasser who might be able to
>>>             answer your
>>>                         question
>>>                               cheers
>>>                               Bruce
>>>                               On Thu, 24 Dec 2015, A-reum
>>>             Min wrote:
>>>                                     hello experts!my name
>>>             is areum.
>>>                                     i have some question
>>>             to you.
>>>                                     a few days ago i was
>>>             down load HCP(human
>>>                         connectom
>>>                                     project) data.
>>>                                     but.. how can i use
>>>             these HCP format.
>>>                                     i have never seen
>>>             before these
>>>                         format(fig.1.png)
>>>                                     I want to see HCP data
>>>             subjects's
>>>                         cortical thickness
>>>                                     using qdec.
>>>                                     how can i to do?
>>>                                     plz answer me
>>>                                     2015-11-10 7:49
>>>             GMT+09:00 A-reum Min
>>>                                     <naniy...@gmail.com>:
>>>                                           Hello experts!
>>>                                     I have some question
>>>             to you..
>>>                                     I don't need to show
>>>             up so small blue
>>>                         regions(fig.1
>>>                                     blue region)
>>>                                     How can i control
>>>             these?
>>>                                     2015-11-10 7:41
>>>             GMT+09:00 Douglas N
>>>                         Greve
>>>             <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>>                                           Hi, please
>>>             create a new thread
>>>                         since this is a
>>>                                     new topic.
>>>                                           Also, I don't
>>>                                           understand your
>>>             question so please
>>>                         elaborate.
>>>                                           On 11/09/2015
>>>             05:34 AM, A-reum Min
>>>                         wrote:
>>>                                           > Hello experts!
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           > i have some
>>>             question to you..
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           > How can i
>>>             control the cluster
>>>                         size?
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           > My cluster
>>>             threshold is 1.
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           > then, too many
>>>             blue regions (as
>>>                         shown
>>>                                     fig.1).
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           > so, i want to
>>>             control cluster
>>>                         threshold 1-->
>>>                                     cluster
>>>                                           threshold 5.
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           > 2015-11-08
>>>             20:44 GMT+09:00
>>>                         A-reum Min
>>>             <naniy...@gmail.com
>>>                                           >
>>>             <mailto:naniy...@gmail.com>>:
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     Hello
>>>             bruce!
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     I solve
>>>             the problem for your
>>>                         answer.
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     And.. i
>>>             have some question
>>>                         to you..
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     How can i
>>>             control the
>>>                         cluster size?
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     My cluster
>>>             threshold is 1.
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     then, too
>>>             many blue regions
>>>                         (as shown
>>>                                     fig.1).
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     so, i want
>>>             to control
>>>                         cluster threshold
>>>                                     1--> cluster
>>>                                           threshold 5.
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     How can i
>>>             to do?
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >     2015-11-05
>>>             22:22 GMT+09:00
>>>                         Bruce Fischl
>>>                                           >
>>>              <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>             <mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>:
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >         are
>>>             /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016001.dcm
>>>                                           >         and
>>>             /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016002.dcm
>>>                                           >         images
>>>             from *different*
>>>                         series or
>>>                                     from the
>>>                                           *same* series?
>>>             If
>>>                                           >         they
>>>             are in the same
>>>                         series than
>>>                                     that explains
>>>                                           what is
>>>                                           >
>>>              happening. You should
>>>                         only give
>>>                                     recon-all a
>>>                                           single file from
>>>                                           >         any
>>>             one acquisition - it
>>>                         will figure
>>>                                     out the
>>>                                           rest of the
>>>             files
>>>                                           >         that
>>>             are part of it.
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >         cheers
>>>                                           >         Bruce
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >         On
>>>             Thu, 5 Nov 2015,
>>>                         A-reum Min
>>>                                     wrote:
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              hello experts.
>>>                                           >             i
>>>             have some question
>>>                         to  you...
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              when i enter the
>>>                         recon-all -i
>>>                                     /paht~
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              error showed up....
>>>                         like below
>>>                                     one..
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              how can i to fix it?
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              [areum@localhost
>>>                         0165766_1]#
>>>                                     recon-all -i
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016001.dcm
>>>                                           -i
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016002.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>              -all -s sub002
>>>                                           >
>>>              Subject Stamp:
>>>                                           >
>>>              freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>>>                                           >
>>>              Current Stamp:
>>>                                           >
>>>              freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>>>                                           >
>>>              INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR
>>>                         is
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1
>>>                                           >
>>>              Actual
>>>                         FREESURFER_HOME
>>>                                     /usr/local/freesurfer
>>>                                           >
>>>              Linux
>>>                         localhost.localdomain
>>>             2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP
>>>                                           >
>>>              Wed Oct 15 04:27:16
>>>                                           >
>>>              UTC 2014 x86_64
>>>                         x86_64 x86_64
>>>                                     GNU/Linux
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>             mri_convert
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016001.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              mri_convert
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016001.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              $Id: mri_convert.c,v
>>>                                     2012/09/05
>>>                                           21:55:16 mreuter
>>>                                           >
>>>              Exp $
>>>                                           >
>>>              reading from
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016001.dcm...
>>>                                           >
>>>              Starting
>>>                         DICOMRead2()
>>>                                           >
>>>              dcmfile =
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016001.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>              dcmdir =
>>>             /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1
>>>                                           >
>>>              Ref Series No = 3
>>>                                           >
>>>              Found 247 files,
>>>                         checking for
>>>                                     dicoms
>>>                                           >
>>>              Found 244 dicom
>>>                         files in series.
>>>                                           >
>>>              First Sorting
>>>                                           >
>>>              Computing Slice
>>>                         Direction
>>>                                           >
>>>              Vs: -0.8 0 0
>>>                                           >
>>>              Vs: -1 0 0
>>>                                           >
>>>              Second Sorting
>>>                                           >
>>>              Counting frames
>>>                                           >
>>>              nframes = 1
>>>                                           >
>>>              nslices = 244
>>>                                           >
>>>              ndcmfiles = 244
>>>                                           >             PE
>>>             Dir = ROW (dicom
>>>                         read)
>>>                                           >
>>>              TransferSyntaxUID:
>>>             --1.2.840.10008.1.2.1--
>>>                                           >
>>>              Loading pixel data
>>>                                           >
>>>              TR=7.70, TE=3.37,
>>>                         TI=400.00,
>>>                                     flip
>>>                                           angle=12.00
>>>                                           >
>>>              i_ras = (0, -1, 0)
>>>                                           >
>>>              j_ras = (0, 0, -1)
>>>                                           >
>>>              k_ras = (1, -0, 0)
>>>                                           >
>>>              writing to
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz...
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>             mri_convert
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016002.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              mri_convert
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016002.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              $Id: mri_convert.c,v
>>>                                     2012/09/05
>>>                                           21:55:16 mreuter
>>>                                           >
>>>              Exp $
>>>                                           >
>>>              reading from
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016002.dcm...
>>>                                           >
>>>              Starting
>>>                         DICOMRead2()
>>>                                           >
>>>              dcmfile =
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/P016002.dcm
>>>                                           >
>>>              dcmdir =
>>>             /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1
>>>                                           >
>>>              Ref Series No = 3
>>>                                           >
>>>              Found 247 files,
>>>                         checking for
>>>                                     dicoms
>>>                                           >
>>>              Found 244 dicom
>>>                         files in series.
>>>                                           >
>>>              First Sorting
>>>                                           >
>>>              Computing Slice
>>>                         Direction
>>>                                           >
>>>              Vs: -0.8 0 0
>>>                                           >
>>>              Vs: -1 0 0
>>>                                           >
>>>              Second Sorting
>>>                                           >
>>>              Counting frames
>>>                                           >
>>>              nframes = 1
>>>                                           >
>>>              nslices = 244
>>>                                           >
>>>              ndcmfiles = 244
>>>                                           >             PE
>>>             Dir = ROW (dicom
>>>                         read)
>>>                                           >
>>>              TransferSyntaxUID:
>>>             --1.2.840.10008.1.2.1--
>>>                                           >
>>>              Loading pixel data
>>>                                           >
>>>              TR=7.70, TE=3.37,
>>>                         TI=400.00,
>>>                                     flip
>>>                                           angle=12.00
>>>                                           >
>>>              i_ras = (0, -1, 0)
>>>                                           >
>>>              j_ras = (0, 0, -1)
>>>                                           >
>>>              k_ras = (1, -0, 0)
>>>                                           >
>>>              writing to
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz...
>>>                                           >
>>>              #--------------------------------------------
>>>                                           >
>>>              #@# MotionCor Thu
>>>                         Nov  5
>>>                                     02:27:17 PST 2015
>>>                                           >
>>>              Found 2 runs
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>              Checking for
>>>                         (invalid)
>>>                                     multi-frame inputs...
>>>                                           >
>>>              Checking for
>>>                         (invalid)
>>>                                     multi-frame inputs...
>>>                                           >
>>>              #-----------------------------------------------
>>>                                           >
>>>              /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>             mri_robust_template
>>>                         --mov
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>              --average 1
>>>                         --template
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/rawavg.mgz
>>>                                           >
>>>              --satit
>>>                                           >
>>>              --inittp 1 --fixtp
>>>                         --noit
>>>                                     --iscale
>>>                                           >
>>>      --iscaleout/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig
>>>             /
>>>                         0
>>>                                     0
>>>                                           1-iscale.txt
>>>                                           >
>>>      /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002-iscale
>>>             .
>>>                         t
>>>                                     x
>>>                                           t
>>>                                           >
>>>              --subsample 200
>>>                         --lta
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.lta
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.lta
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              $Id:
>>>                         mri_robust_template.cpp,v
>>>                                           2012/10/10
>>>                                           >
>>>              19:59:06 mreuter Exp
>>>                         $
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              --mov: Using
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz
>>>                                           >             as
>>>                                           >
>>>              movable/source
>>>                         volume.
>>>                                           >
>>>              --mov: Using
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz
>>>                                           >             as
>>>                                           >
>>>              movable/source
>>>                         volume.
>>>                                           >
>>>              Total: 2 input
>>>                         volumes
>>>                                           >
>>>              --average: Using
>>>                         method 1 for
>>>                                     template
>>>                                           computation.
>>>                                           >
>>>              --template: Using
>>>                                           >
>>>  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/rawavg.mgz
>>>                                           >             as
>>>                                           >
>>>              template output
>>>                         volume.
>>>                                           >
>>>              --satit: Will
>>>                         estimate SAT
>>>                                     iteratively!
>>>                                           >
>>>              --inittp: Using TP 1
>>>                         as target
>>>                                     for
>>>                                           initialization
>>>                                           >
>>>              --fixtp: Will map
>>>                         everything to
>>>                                     init TP!
>>>                                           >
>>>              --noit: Will output
>>>                         only first
>>>                                     template (no
>>>                                           iterations)!
>>>                                           >
>>>              --iscale: Enableing
>>>                         intensity
>>>                                     scaling!
>>>                                           >
>>>              --iscaleout: Will
>>>                         perform
>>>                                     intensity scaling
>>>                                           and output
>>>             results
>>>                                           >
>>>              --subsample: Will
>>>                         subsample if
>>>                                     size is
>>>                                           larger than 200
>>>             on
>>>                                           >
>>>              all axes!
>>>                                           >
>>>              --lta: Will output
>>>                         LTA
>>>                                     transforms
>>>                                           >
>>>              reading source
>>>                                           >
>>>  '/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz'...
>>>                                           >
>>>              converting source
>>>                                           >
>>>  '/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/001.mgz'
>>>                                           >             to
>>>                                           >
>>>              bspline ...
>>>                                           >
>>>              MRItoBSpline degree
>>>                         3
>>>                                           >
>>>              reading source
>>>                                           >
>>>  '/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz'...
>>>                                           >
>>>              converting source
>>>                                           >
>>>  '/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/OSA/0165766_1/sub002/mri/orig/002.mgz'
>>>                                           >             to
>>>                                           >
>>>              bspline ...
>>>                                           >
>>>              MRItoBSpline degree
>>>                         3
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>                          MultiRegistration::initializing
>>>                                     Xforms (init
>>>                                           1 , maxres 0
>>>                                           >             ,
>>>             iterate 5 ,
>>>                                           >
>>>              epsit 0.01 ) :
>>>                                           >
>>>                                           >
>>>              [init]
>>>                         =========================
>>>                                     TP 2 to TP
>>>                                           1
>>>                                           >
>>>                          ==============================
>>>                                           >
>>>                   Register TP
>>>                         2 (
>>>                                           >
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>> Freesurfer mailing list
>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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>> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it
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>> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
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> --
> *------------------------------------------------------------*
> *Areum Min*
> Medical Image Processing Lab.
> Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei Univ.
> 218 San-hak Hall, 1 Yeonsedae-gil, Heungeop-myeon, Wonju, Gangwon, Korea
> Office  : +82-33-760-2499
> Mobile : +82-10-3428-0608
> E-Mail : n <esth...@nate.com>aniy...@gmail.com
Freesurfer mailing list

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