Dear Zeke,

Great, thanks for the clarification!
All the best,
On 17/02/2016 16:53, Z K wrote:
> hello Barbara,
> A freesurfer v6.0-beta was released some months ago. But after various
> rounds of QA testing it was decided that additional significant
> development was required. So the beta version was withdrawn and active
> development remains ongoing in the dev version. You can download the
> latest dev version using the following link:
> Anyone claiming to use "version 6.0" is using the 6.0-beta version
> released several months ago, which has been significantly modified since
> its beta release.
> -Zeke
> On 02/17/2016 11:45 AM, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Sorry to bother you again. I am a bit confused as others seem to use a
>> 'version 6.0' but I cannot find reference inthe nightly development (
>> ) of it being
>> called a version 6.0.
>> Am I missing something?
>> I don't know where I got this link from
>> but it does not seem to point anywhere anymore.
>> Thank you very much,
>> Barbara
>> On 17/02/2016 14:30, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote:
>>> Dear Douglas,
>>> Thanks a lot, I found the version.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Barbara
>>> On 16/02/2016 20:44, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>>>> We don't have a v6 ready. You can get a development version, you just
>>>> have to keep in mind that it is a snapshot and that the software will
>>>> change without notice.
>>>> On 02/16/2016 02:12 PM, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote:
>>>>> Dear Freesurfer experts,
>>>>> How may I get Freesurfer v 6 ?
>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>> Barbara
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